Looking for PCM Repair/Refurbish. Any Good Experiences Lately? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for PCM Repair/Refurbish. Any Good Experiences Lately?


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Redlands, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 4x4 4.0,'16 AWD3.5XLT
New to this forum. Searched discussions but found nothing recent.
2006 Explorer 4x4 4.0 DOHC Eddie Bauer. Having persistent OBD2 codes (P0135, 141, 155, 161, 403, 443 even after new O2 sensors, EGR, Purge and Vent valves) and dealer mechanic says it's a bad PCM. Several vendors online but they seem to have plenty of negative reviews. Looking for some good news.

Have any of you got your vender to program your odometer mileage along with the VIN into a used/refurbished module?
My keys don't have a chips but do have lock remote fobs. Would they need to be programed into the repaired or replacement PCM?
Positive and negative vendor reports appreciated.

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New to this forum. Searched discussions but found nothing recent.
2006 Explorer 4x4 4.0 DOHC Eddie Bauer. Having persistent OBD2 codes (P0135, 141, 155, 161, 403, 443 even after new O2 sensors, EGR, Purge and Vent valves) and dealer mechanic says it's a bad PCM. Several vendors online but they seem to have plenty of negative reviews. Looking for some good news.

Have any of you got your vender to program your odometer mileage along with the VIN into a used/refurbished module?
My keys don't have a chips but do have lock remote fobs. Would they need to be programed into the repaired or replacement PCM?
Positive and negative vendor reports appreciated.
Yes, the dealership will install the OEM part you give them. However, if the dealership has a warranty (typically 2 years) on the part, I would go that route. I tried to use a refurb PCM and it failed again in 3 months. So, I had to go back, have the dealership part reinstalled, rekeyed, reprogrammed, etc. These PCMs are universal for a variety of Ford vehicles within that year range. Mine was from a Mustang according to the OEM # printed on it. Vendors are numerous but it doesn't really matter, there's only a few places that deal with these and that's where they source them from.

The refurb process for these are very shoddy and everything you get now is going to be a refurb unless you find a take-off from a wreck. They simply test for continuity, not for anything else. There are threads about this that go more in depth. The one I got from the dealership was a refurb.

If I were you I would just pay the extra money and get the peace of mind. There's a good chance it will fail again within 2 years so you will probably be able to exercise the warranty.

Myself and marvelousbison gave you 2 vendors that worked for us and key programing.

A vendor selling you a different PCM should change the VIN to match your vehicle.
Pretty sure the mileage is kept in the display. I got a different PCM and the mileage did not change.

Myself and marvelousbison gave you 2 vendors that worked for us and key programing.

A vendor selling you a different PCM should change the VIN to match your vehicle.
Pretty sure the mileage is kept in the display. I got a different PCM and the mileage did not change.
would you mind sharing the vendors you mentioned for the benefit of the users? Thanks.

would you mind sharing the vendors you mentioned for the benefit of the users? Thanks.
