Need 4.0 ohv cam position sensor pics!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need 4.0 ohv cam position sensor pics!!


Active Member
February 24, 2011
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1998 Ford Explorer
Hi guys! i'm stuck doing this repair, i removed my cam position sensor (CMP) without noticing or marking the original position (didn't know it needed to be synchronized), now for the second time, i'm trying to put it together. i've done tons of reading on how to do this. I know i have to use the alingment tool, which i have, and point the arrow 60 degrees counterclock wise from the center line of the block. The problem is, doing it this way doesn't look like it's right, the connector ends up looking too far to the right. So i've been trying to find a picture of this sensor already installed and aligned to compare, but haven't found one. I just want to be 100% sure before i install the lower/ upper intake since i've removed them twice and have purchased the gaskets twice aswell.

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i am going to see if this works on my 97 explorer this weekend coming up.. i am going to adjust my camshaft position sensor(CMP) while my friend is turning my engion over (i took the hood off my truck and i am using a 10mm ratchet wrench) as it is almost impossible to do this by myself and more frustrating then 4 flat tires lol. i just rebuilt my engion so im not inclined to take it back apart again like i see you have done. please post if you get this so i will have a link in my email to respond back quickly if it works

Yea, with out the hood you should be able to get it. It turns out that the 60 degree angle isn' really that important, as long as the alingment tool is installed. Think about it, the stator is at the location aligned by the tool wether it's at 60 degress from the center line or 50 degrees, it'll still be at that location during TDC. The problem i'm having right now is that i can't find TDC!! LoL!! I confirmed that the 0 degree mark in the crank pulley is when the #1 piston is at the top, but can't tell the difference between the compression stroke and the exhaust stroke. And i sure as hell want to be sure about this cause i've already done this engine tear down twice!! i've have also purchased the gaskets twice!! Just make sure you do it right cause the reason i'm doing this for the second time is because i did it wrong the first time and ended up with a misfire (a bug from idle when accelerated).

...Check with member Stic-o..He has some pictures and info around here somewhere..;)

i tried to get my explorer started again today but i killed my battery so i have it on the charger for the night. my friend didn't show up to help me so i was adjusting the CMP then locking it down then running to the ignition to try to start it. needless to say but i need my friend to turn the ignition while i work on adjusting the cmp. it is a 2 person job, also i cant seem to locate a cmp alignment tool anywhere for sale so im calling ford on monday if i can't get my truck working by sunday night. sorry no good news yet but im trying.

With the alignment tool it'll be a 1 person job, real easy. With out the alingment tool i don't know how you're going to make it work since this sensor needs to be synchronized and aligned for it to work correctly. I would wait and get the alignment tool so you do the job right. There is a website that sells the tool cheaper than what the ford stealer is going to sell it for. Let me see if i find the site, it was on one of the threads i read..

after trying to fix my truck with a multimeter and no success i scavenged the net for hours and found the name of the tool finally it is a ----> OTC Ford Cam Sensor Synch Tool OTC-6472 <-------- do some research on this one as it is for my 97 OHV 4.0 explorer but as i have seen there are others out there so make sure that you get the right 1 for your truck my tool is on its way.

that tool is at advance auto part#OTC6469
