Need part, don't know name or part # | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Need part, don't know name or part #


Explorer Addict
December 27, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
winter park, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 Limited 4x4
I'm looking to replace a small pipe that is part of the cooling system on my 1996 4.0l v6.


The piece is a small "L-shaped" pipe about 7-8" long with a triangular flange at one end that bolts to the motor. The other end has a rubber hose clamped to it that runs to the upper passenger side of the radiators.

In reverse, if you follow the upper radiator hose under the air intake, over the alternator, it is then clamped to a metal pipe that is bolted to the motor.

I am looking for this small L-shaped metal pipe. However, I can't find a part # for it, and I tried explaining it to the Ford parts guy, and he couldn't find what I was talking about. Anyone have an exploded diagram that shows this part #, or know the name of this part? OR have the part for sale!? thanks in advance for any help! Todd.

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It is most likely a "water outlet connection" if it is bolted above your water pump. If you go to your Ford dealership ask for part number 8592. When reinstalling, remember to torque to at least 80 inch pounds but not more than 106 inch pounds.
