Newbie from Philippines | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Newbie from Philippines


New Member
November 6, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
03 Sport Trac
Hi there

Newbie from Philippines, I am currently living on/off in the Philippines and have been driving a 2003 Explorer Sport Trac 4x2 from new since January 2003. The car has done almost 100.000km or 60.000 miles without any hick-ups.
Car is stock except for the Old Man Emu shocks that has replaced the original ones, this minor upgrade greatly improved the handling of the car.

I have a few minor problems with the car and also some questions to upgrades, I hope you will be able to help me with that.

There are quite a few Sport Tracs in th country, mainly due to a no tax import a few years back, however the Sport Tracs are no longer sold here - sadly.


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No problems with parts, a lot of Ford dealers here (still selling Explorer and Expeditions). Most wear parts are in stock, but things like the inner rear door handle (that tends to break -I had two of them broken) must be taken in from US thorugh the dealer, and that takes time.

Mabuhay! Welcome to the forum :D

<--- originally from Legazpi :D right under the Mayon Volcano :D
