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no dash lights and won't start


Active Member
September 6, 2011
City, State
Lexington Park, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 EB Explorer
2006 4.0L EB.

issue is when i put the key in the switch, no door chime. when i turn the key to 'on' nothing lights up on the instrument panel, but radio comes on. turning to start does nothing, but i can hear the relays click. everything else power wise works: lights, windows, locking mechanism.

All fuses look ok to me and battery has 12V. Got it to work one time after messing with the fuses while the battery was disconnected for about 10 minutes, but then same thing happened the next day. Any advice? thanks.

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A fully charged battery should be 12.6 to 12.7 volts, key off.
Engine running should be 13.7 to 14.5 volts.

How old is the battery? If less than 3 to 4 years old, charge and clean terminals.

x2^^ Corroded terminals would cause this.

Terminals look ok. I scrubbed them with a wire brush for good measure.

Yesterday, truck started up fine, but while it was running the dash shut off. The gauges are stuck where they were and it wouldnt restart. Still battery you think?

Terminals look ok. I scrubbed them with a wire brush for good measure.

Yesterday, truck started up fine, but while it was running the dash shut off. The gauges are stuck where they were and it wouldnt restart. Still battery you think?

Check your grounds in the engine compartment.

*** update***

so i got a bluetooth obdII adapter paired with the Torque app on my android phone (amazing app btw), and scanned for fault codes.

It came up with P1260: theft detected, engine disabled.

That would explain the issues i've been having. drove the truck all day yesterday with no problems before running the code. I may have to troubleshoot further to see what would cause this to come up since i only have one key.

i acutal had this same problem with a new Silverado i bought years
ago the truck thought it was being stolen out of the blue just got
in one day it started ran for a second and stopped i thick
when i took it in they they had to replace what controls the pass lock.

i scanned my chevy colorado it did something like that after being scanned this time unpluged the battery after it left me stranded went with my kid called
the wife for a ride and a tow and 1 1/2 hours later it started by it self as the tow truck arrived now i got my o6 4.6 explorer traded the chevy
and acutal have not had a electrical problem since knock on wood its been

Katsov, thanks for the update.

Very strange elec gremlin you have there, not sure this is of any help, but from my 06 shop manual, here is a description of code P1260:
" This DTC will be stored any time the PCM disables the vehicle because of a PATS issue. Whenever the PCM has stored DTC P1260, there should be PATS DTC(s) stored that require diagnosis."

had the same issue two weeks ago main ground by battery was loose dash went haywire engine shuts off pats enabled. replaced grounding bolt cleaned contacts then put both keys in ignition for 5 seconds pats shut off engine started.

had intermittent weird electrical quirks that didnt make sense until the ground was fixed

2006 ford exolorer no start no dash lights

I have a 2006 ford explorer that will not start it wont turn over and don't have any dash lights can anyone help hey katsov did you get yours fixed if so what did you do to fix it

After getting the diagnostic tool and clearing the code, I haven't had any similar issues for almost 2 years. I highly recommend purchasing a code reader to see if any engine fault codes come up.

ford exporer fixed

ok I the dash went out have to replace and reprogram the shop I sent it too is charging me 385.00 plus tax I fell that is a good deal

La sulucion Este es un proble llave de encendido, hay que codificar una llave

2006 4.0L EB.

issue is when i put the key in the switch, no door chime. when i turn the key to 'on' nothing lights up on the instrument panel, but radio comes on. turning to start does nothing, but i can hear the relays click. everything else power wise works: lights, windows, locking mechanism.

All fuses look ok to me and battery has 12V. Got it to work one time after messing with the fuses while the battery was disconnected for about 10 minutes, but then same thing happened the next day. Any advice? thanks.

Hello how did you solve this issue? I am having a same problem and it's driving me crazy

Hello how did you solve this issue? I am having a same problem and it's driving me crazy

Trying to remember back 3 years ago, haha. I think it was an electrical glitch that went away after clearing the codes that came up

The most common problem for engine thief mode DTC without ability for PATS to remember any new key ,is EEPROM immobilizer chip stucked in "writing" position.

Could be fixed using cluster programing tool,eeprom chip or entire IC replace.

Reason: possible harness to battery shortcut

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2006 4.0L EB.

issue is when i put the key in the switch, no door chime. when i turn the key to 'on' nothing lights up on the instrument panel, but radio comes on. turning to start does nothing, but i can hear the relays click. everything else power wise works: lights, windows, locking mechanism.

All fuses look ok to me and battery has 12V. Got it to work one time after messing with the fuses while the battery was disconnected for about 10 minutes, but then same thing happened the next day. Any advice? thanks.
What was the solution to this problem?
