Oil pressure problems and overheating? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Oil pressure problems and overheating?


Well-Known Member
March 17, 2009
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City, State
Beattyville, Kentucky
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Explorer XLT
Ok so I have been starting my car in the mornings and the guage for my oil isnt reading anything and it takes forever before it begins to read. The car sounds fine and drives fine and i searched and read that it could be the oil pressure sensor or something so imma try that i guess. but also my car has been over heating, the guage doesnt read that it is but when i get out its steaming and smells hot. Im guessing maybe a leak in the coolant somewhere but havent had time to check. Anyone know any other possibilities ill check them out?

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If your vehicle is "steaming and smells hot", the radiator is most likely empty, especially with no indication on the temp gauge. Do you have any heat from the heater? If you do, there is coolant in the system, so you could have a bad water pump. Whatever the case, you better make time to see what is going on. Major engine work is expensive, and that is where you are headed. As far as the oil pressure reading,have you changed the oil lately? With the cold weather, many times the oil is too thick to flow quickly if it has been a long time since the oil was changed. How long does it take to register? And it could just be the sending unit being sluggish.

Oil pressure; i would change out the sender as they are cheap
Overheating; Sounds to me like classic thermostat failure closed and or guage ect sender not working

"Car drives fine but is overheating"...
That does not qualify as "drives fine" IMO.

You can replace the senders fairly easy to see if those are wrong or you have other problems.
Like low oil pressure and eating trough your cranksahft bearings (that makes a lot of heat).

There is coolant in the system I just filled it and I changed the oil about 300 miles ago. I accidentally put 5w 20 in it but I didn't think it would matter. The oil pressure takes a little while to show on gauge and giving it has can make it jump up sometimes. The gauge never reads that the car is overheating but when u get out its another story. The heat works fine. Imma run it hard on the way home so I can check to see where the steam is coming from and another thing with the oil pressure. In the past I have had the oil pressure drop suddenly and almost make the car stall and quickly go back up. It does that very rarly in the past. Also it's a 4.0 sohc.

You might have issues with the oil pump. If the oil pressure drop was affecting the engine, that is not because of a bad sender. I would not drive it like that till you know for sure that you have good pressure.

Well like I said it only didn't that rarely since I've had it. The pressure takes forever but if I rev it will jump up to normal. Imma replace that sensor tommorow and see if it fixes it. Is there any sure way to tell if a water pump is bad?

Squeeze the biggest hose and see if you feel any extra resistance with the engine running (restricting flow should do that on bigger diameter hose).

I will try that. I just got home and I drove maybe 2 miles at most from work and the motor was just steaming with smoke. The motor it's self isnt even hot and the temp gauge was normal. The fan when spun by hand spins normal and I'm wanting to think that there is a leak and it's hitting the motor and burning off but hard to tell where from with all the smoke. When u look under the good it's coming from the upper intake but can't tell of its just not rolling up from bottom.

Thermostat gasket?

That's kinda what I was thinking. It's been raining but it's not today so imma get out and look

ive been exp heat and steam from my upper intake area near my thermostat and also saw bubbles coming out from the thermostat housing so i figured my thermostat was stuk so i took it out and resealed the housing with high temp rtv and never exp leaks there again but still i have heat and steam coming from the area..i still was exp. coolant lost and now my timing chain rattles and my oil preassure goes up and down..my oil looked really black and thin but not milky..i also hear these crazy buzzing and electronic noises in my dash board sounds really weird all these has happened at da same time

That's pretty much my same problem. If u happen to find the problem let me know.

I replaced the gasket and its still steaming. The only thing i can think of to replace would be the water pump.
