Ooops! I goofed with the 351W swap! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Ooops! I goofed with the 351W swap!

Looks like I may have messed up a bit with the 351W swap into my 1999 Ranger. I used te 302 mounts and everything located great. Built the headers for the engine position, etc..

My mistake was I forgot about the 351W oil pump being ~3/4" depper from bottom of block! There is only ~1/8" clearance from pump bottom to steering rack. I need to account for oil pan and engine roll clearance in that! Two options 1) external oil pump (~$900) or 2) raise engine and body by ~3/4" to provide adequate clearance.

This really sucks, as I won't spend the $900 and the 3/4" body lift is just going to be a PITA with all body and bed mounts, plus raising the front and rear bumpers, etc.. Oh well, the price I pay for over looking this - rookie mistake!

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my advise would be to get some daystar polyurathane body mounts and what lifts the body about 3/4 of an inch. Derocha did that install on his explorer. Hope that helps

The Windsor pump maybe a high volume pump. Use standard volume or the 302 pump with an appropriate length driveshaft. Make sure your distributor gear is compatible with your cam gear.

The pump I have is a standard volume melling pump. The HV would even be worse off. As for 302, too low volume for 3" 351W mains, but more so, it will not clear the counter weights on the 351W crank - tried that first!

Thanks for the info on the daystar mounts. I will check them out for sure!


Why do you have to lift the body? to clear the upper intake?
I vote for just raise the engine up 3/4", or get away with the 5.0L pump on your 351?

410Fortune said:
Why do you have to lift the body? to clear the upper intake?
I vote for just raise the engine up 3/4", or get away with the 5.0L pump on your 351?

I need to raise the body so the custom headers will clear the HVAC box and the steering shaft - there are VERY tight clearances and the headers were made to fit the environment that was there. Now, with engine up, I need to raise everything else as well and hope the different angle on the steering does not cause issue.

As for the 5.0L pump, that is out, as it hits the crank counter weights.

notch the heater box?
3/4" will not effect the steering shaft, a 3" body lift would require a spacer or new steering shaft, up to 2" will not.

So you had the headers made before you fit the 351 on with the pump and pan?? Yikes! This is no rookie mistake, this is the kind of thing you run into when building a beast such as yours! I am impressed a 351 into a Gen II would be wicked.
I want to put a 4.6L in mine :)

Not going the route of notching out the box. I don't think it would help much anyhow. As for steering shaft, I will find out what I need to do once i get it apart. You would be amazed at how tightly I had to route the primaries in and around just to get the 1 3/4" tubes in there!

I plan a 3/4" lift, so hopefully no effect. That should also give me plenty of room with the HVAC. As for fabing headers without oil pan on, I did that since I knew i was going to need a new pan - due to larger rear main, but did not have one made at the time. I found this issue once I went to make the new pan two weekends ago. I yie yie, the details are what gets you!

and I thought my TM's were wild! Nicely done!
Spark plug wires should be fun :)

Wires may be a little fun, but there is tons of room for the boots. I was actually quite suprised how much room I could keep for them. That was definitely one of my key factors in the development of these!

tmsoko said:
The pump I have is a standard volume melling pump. The HV would even be worse off. As for 302, too low volume for 3" 351W mains, but more so, it will not clear the counter weights on the 351W crank - tried that first!

Thanks for the info on the daystar mounts. I will check them out for sure!

Tried to send PM but box was full. How about a high-volume 302 pump with a longer spring to boost pressure also? ;)

302 pump will not work. The counter weights on a 351W crank are larger and the 302 pump interferes with them - significantly interferes.
