radio unit - compatibility 7000 to 6000/5000 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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radio unit - compatibility 7000 to 6000/5000


Active Member
May 26, 2011
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cromer sunny norfolk
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1999 north face
Hi love listening to the radio (drowns the sound of the kids and the wife, just kidding) If I take out a 7000 rds will a 6000 or even a 5000 slip straight in as these are more readily available, as don't want to alter to much as still would love to put a 7000 back in? many thanks Gary

Ps I said I would like to put a 7000 but come to think of it, I don't not the difference between them?

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I am pretty sure a 5000 (tape) or 6000 (cd) will go straight in. You won't have use of the rear controls though, this was specific to the 7000 IIRC.
I think also a 6006 (6cd) should also drop in.
I can't remember though if all 5/6000 have the autochanger connections.

I am thinking of swapping my 7000 with intermittant display for a 6000RDS.

I think the part number for a 6000 is 98AP-18C815-AA or AB. Later models were YS4F-18C815-A*.

Many thanks, with out the use of the rear controls, it will stop the kids from messing. So really looking for the 6000 rds /cd is gong to be the way forward, many thanks again Gary

I'm pretty sure the 5000 and 6000 both had cd control. Be sure that it is the older style unit with the curves as the newer fords units (usually silver with squre edges) don't fit and use quadlock connections on the back

The part numbers I gave should be OK and have a black bezel (front).

The 5000, 6000 & standard 7000 as well as "round cornered" 6006 units should fit and the 5000, 6000 and std 7000 still have the CD Changer connection. As stated by others, you'll lose the rear controls but that stops the kids changing the track or station, so it's no bad thing!!

Sorry, I meant to say that most of the units have "CD Autochanger Compatible" written on the fascia. GRoB.

With the 6006 you have to be 'respectectful' when you feed the discs in, not something to rush and not cheap to replace a broken disc mechanism. One was once found with 11 discs in!

Hi to all, Many thanks, just managed to get hold of a 6000 wood effect, so the wife has grabbed that one already as she prefers to put cd's in from the front, she says it a pain to have to stop and feed disc's into the changer, so I have got her old one? good or bad? I like to listen the radio anyway? What ever keeps her happy? Gary
