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Repair or replace


Elite Explorer
January 11, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Lawrence, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Explorer Sport 4x4
I have a 2001 Explorer Sport 4x4, 4.0 SOHC with 256,000 miles on it. I want some options on what I should do. I'm currently a college student, and commute to school which is about 24 miles one way, and put about 12k-14k miles on my truck a year. My Explorer has a 2-3 transmission flair, and the previous owner didn't change the fluid, so it is burnt. It will need a rebuild. The engine is original and as far as I can tell it has the original timing components. I want to know if I should fix it up and continue using it as my college truck or set it as a back up and buy another car. If I fix it I will rebuild the transmission, and put is HD components, with I low-stall torque converter, red eagle bands, shift kit... For the engine, it doesn't need immediate work, but the hydraulic tensioners are bad it rattles on start up, and the fuel injectors make a very loud clicking sound most of the time, those items would need replaced. I rebuilt the front end 5000 miles before the transmission started going out, and rebuild the AC system. What is everyone's opinion, fix it or buy another car (most likely a Vic) and keep the explorer as a back up.


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Just sayin' since you asked -

* 19 Year Old Ex w/ 256,000 Miles as a project vehicle.

* Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic as your College Car.

* If you go Crown Vic - try for 2011 - the last year.

* GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales Website: GSA Fleet Vehicle Sales

Its all about what you can afford. Do you have a source of income?

It’d be almost cheaper to replace that with a new car, most likely. It’s value is pretty nil. Get something economical to drive, and keep it to fix up later if you have some attachment to it.

Its all about what you can afford. Do you have a source of income?
I think I'm going to get a second economical car and keep the explorer as a project car.

Smart. If the engine was an OHV or V8, or even a low mileage SOHC with no rattle, I’d say just build the trans and move on. But you’re looking at an engine timing rebuild and a trans rebuild in order to have a reliable daily driver. Not worth it.

I’d buy a reliable daily driver, rebuild the explorer’s trans, and run the motor until it eats itself—then swap in a low mileage used motor out of a late model vehicle. I have a 2010/2011 Ranger engine in mine. It was $1000 with 36k on the clock. Can’t beat it.

When your in college, you should focus on getting that done, then move on to projects. I would get a economical daily like you mentioned and keep the Explorer for tinkering and jump in later after your done with school. I didn't mean to sound rude in the above post.

Reliability is the issue here. I have 2 college kids and a 95 Explorer Sport with 222K+ miles on it. When my son asked to use it for college, I simply replied that it is not as reliable as the hand me down Buick Century (which is also very old). The Explorer is more of a project as I decided to customize a bit. It does need constant attention (which I enjoy). However, the last thing students need to worry about a car and if it will make it to class or not.

My guess is that you are on a forum because you enjoy working on the Explorer. It does sound like it is a good project car. If you can afford a commuter car that will not give you too many headaches, that would probably be the way to go. I'd also recommend a AAA membership with 100 mile towing. I pay for these. There have been several occasions where my son's and daughter's cars needed repair and they were able to have it towed to my house in another state. I guess I am officially their mechanic.

As I say to my kids, school is #1. The best use of your time and will have the best impact on your future. I know there are plenty of things and students want to get to them, but although you probably dont think so right now, the college years are some of the best years of you life. Stay active here and let us all know how your doing.

(Wow! I really sound like a Dad)

My son's been using a 2002 5-spd Explorer sport 2WD for college. Has about 150K on it. Runs great. Tranny's good. What I'm in the middle of now is replacing those #@*^%!! body bushings. Completely rotted to the point where a couple no longer existed. That plus blown shocks meant it rode like crap. Oil leak on the valve covers. Probably should change the diff and tranny oil. Otherwise it's a good running vehicle. He's using my 2001 Ex Sport 4wd while I fix his and I have a nice 20+ year old BMW convertible I'm drving in the meantime. Poor me. :cool:
Fixing the tranny and timing issues on your vehicle are going to cost more than it's worth. It might be cheaper to buy a quality rebuilt tranny, then when you have time, pull the front of the engine off and addres the timing chain issues. Also, at your vehicle's age, check the body bushings, especially the three in the middle on each side. Front and rear are usually OK, the others were made of some sort of cheap **** foam or sponge that just rots all to hell. I intend to have a word with the Ford engineer who designed that, and the suit who OK'd it. :angryfire:

Try some Seafoam Trans Tune-up. It has worked amazingly for my 2 vehicles.
