Service recommendations for 10k mile 2003 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Service recommendations for 10k mile 2003


April 17, 2003
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'03 XLT
Hi- My 2003 explorer has never been in for factory service, it has about 10000 miles on it. I've changed the oil myself at the first 1000, and every 3000 miles after. I need to bring it in for an inspection this month, so I was going to have the cooloing system flushed. Is there anything else I should have done? Thanks.


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You're gonna flush the coolant with only 10k on it?! Wow, you are dedicated to car maintenance.

Your manual should tell you any maintenance needed. Other than an oil change, I would think of anything needed at only 10k. But you said it is 3 years old ... and only has 10k on it?!

Hi - Yeah, I have a '93 Probe which is my daily beater, the Ex is for long trips etc. As far as the coolant, I was concerned about breakdown of the anticorrosion components. Thanks.


It can't hurt to replace it, but I would think that it's probably not needed. Of course, that's coming from a guy who never got around to replacing his until 120k miles. If you REALLY wanted to take care of your truck you could go full synthetic, engine, front and rear diffs, transfer case, tranny, and even change out the power steering fluid and brake fluid. That's what I've done to mine now, but I waited too long to switch everything over. I'm gonna be better about it on my next vehicle.

my 2002 just turn over 18K miles on my trip this weekend. Other than oil changes every 4-5K miles, it doesn't need much at this low mileage. I never let mine sit for more than two weeks without driving it, and letting it warm up. keep tabs on your air filter. I wouldn't consider a coolant change till it's 4 or 5 years old, or at least 30K miles, unless it starts looking less than it's bright green coloring (or whatever color it is in these things, I haven't even looked at mine yet, I let the dealer check it's level)

But I too have a daily driver, and so the Explorer sees the inside of the garage almost always.
