Sync 3 update with new Massachusetts exit numbers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sync 3 update with new Massachusetts exit numbers?


New Member
May 9, 2024
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City, State
New York, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Ford Explorer Platin
I own a 2018 Ford Explorer. In 2021, the state of Massachusetts updated all of their highway exit numbers. I purchased an update shortly after that, but unfortunately it did not have the exit updates.

I'd still like to update the maps, but I'm hesitant considering how expensive it is and without knowing if it will have the updates I need.

I contacted Ford who said they don't know and I should contact the software company, Alom. I emailed Alom numerous times and nobody there ever responds.

Does anyone know if the latest update has the new MA exit numbers? I also went to today and it says there is a new update coming on May 13. Is there a way to know if that will have the updates I need?

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Well now I'm really confused. Ford Customer Service told me to contact Alom and even gave me Alom's email address.
Have you done an Internet 'Search' on Alom? See what comes up.


Have you done an Internet 'Search' on Alom? See what comes up.


When I searchd Google for "ford sync alom", I found this, which seems to indicate that they do handle Ford navigation.

When I searchd Google for "ford sync alom", I found this, which seems to indicate that they do handle Ford navigation.
Interesting, although it's the first time I've heard the name and the first mention of it in the forum.
I don't have the manual handy now but I think the company responsible for navigation is mentioned in it.


What version of maps do you have?

I am pretty sure maps NA 2 22 have the new exit numbers. I updated to this version last May.

A new version of the maps should be out next week.

What version of maps do you have?

I am pretty sure maps NA 2 22 have the new exit numbers. I updated to this version last May.

A new version of the maps should be out next week.

How can I tell which version maps that I have?

How can I tell which version maps that I have?
I believe it is on the same screen that shows you the Sync version that you have loaded. That screen also allows you to set the option for Auto Updates.

