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What is it?

PA Weldor

New Member
January 31, 2014
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Central PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 Explorer Sport Trac
We recently bought a 2007 Sport Trac. Love it so far. However, there's a box mounted behind the rear view windshield mounted mirror with a cable that runs up to the roof line. Can anyone tell me what this gizmo is for?

Thanks in advance.


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Not sure. Can you post a picture?

Just discovered it's connected to an antenna that's mounted to the left of the mirror.

I think mine has that too, it must be the sat radio antenna

This is your compass. Unplug it and you will see that the heading disappears from the odometer box. N, S, E, W, etc.

I installed a Homelink rear view mirror which also has a compass. Mounted the black box you speak of to the harness.


I believe factory Sirius antenna is external mount, towards the passenger side on the roof itself.

Yup, we have the Sirius antenna mounted on the roof.

This is your compass. Unplug it and you will see that the heading disappears from the odometer box. N, S, E, W, etc.

I installed a Homelink rear view mirror which also has a compass. Mounted the black box you speak of to the harness.


Ah, now I know what that box is. Thanks so much. It was driving me crazy. Now I need to find out what the antenna is for to the left of the box mounted on the inside of the windshield. Could that be a part of the compass? I'll get a pic later today and post.
