What Kind of Power to Expect from 4.6? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What Kind of Power to Expect from 4.6?


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August 1, 2018
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2008 Explorer Eddie Bauer
I apologize if this seems like a dumb question, but what should a healthy-running 4.6 V8 feel like in one of these 4th gen Explorers, in terms of power on acceleration? I understand it’s not a Mustang, but my 2008 Eddie Bauer doesn’t feel any faster from 0-30, 40, or 55mph than my 2005 4.0 XLT was (although I do feel some extra torque). This is the first V8 I’ve owned, so I’m not sure what to expect out of one in an SUV.

I had the plugs, coil boots, and the air filter changed a couple months ago following a misfire problem. It seems to run fine at 124k miles, but it doesn’t get up and go like I thought the V8 would. It doesn’t rev up very fast unless forcing it to downshift, and the rpms are also somewhat slow to drop back down when letting off the gas while in Park or Neutral.

There are no check engine codes or issues with the transmission (aside from occasional clunkier shift back into first when it comes to a stop). Gas mileage has dropped to 13mpg with the cold temperatures, but I have a very short commute to work and also use a remote starter (so the mpg’s seem reasonable so far).

Is this normal, or should the 4.6 feel a lot more powerful than the 4.0?

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Not a lot, but should be noticeable. I went from an '05 4.0L to a '10 4.6L and the difference in power could be felt "in the seat of the pants".

I apologize if this seems like a dumb question, but what should a healthy-running 4.6 V8 feel like in one of these 4th gen Explorers, in terms of power on acceleration? I understand it’s not a Mustang, but my 2008 Eddie Bauer doesn’t feel any faster from 0-30, 40, or 55mph than my 2005 4.0 XLT was (although I do feel some extra torque). This is the first V8 I’ve owned, so I’m not sure what to expect out of one in an SUV.

I had the plugs, coil boots, and the air filter changed a couple months ago following a misfire problem. It seems to run fine at 124k miles, but it doesn’t get up and go like I thought the V8 would. It doesn’t rev up very fast unless forcing it to downshift, and the rpms are also somewhat slow to drop back down when letting off the gas while in Park or Neutral.

There are no check engine codes or issues with the transmission (aside from occasional clunkier shift back into first when it comes to a stop). Gas mileage has dropped to 13mpg with the cold temperatures, but I have a very short commute to work and also use a remote starter (so the mpg’s seem reasonable so far).

Is this normal, or should the 4.6 feel a lot more powerful than the 4.0?
I have a 2006 4.6 Limited 4x4 and its seems to be my fastest of the three I own. 1997 Explorer 5.0AWD, 2005 4.0 v6 and the 4.6 Limited will run right up to right under 100 m.p.h if you don't lift.

My sister has a 2004 explorer with the old 2 valve per cylinder 4.6L V8 with the 5 speed automatic, and even that feels noticeably stronger than my 4.0L. I can’t compare mine directly to a fourth generation three valves per cylinder V-8 With the 6 speed, but it’s got to be even more dramatic difference

I think I have the most direct comparison here. Yes, overall the 4.6 feels stronger but when I borrow my son's 07 4.0 I am surprised that it is not that much slower or weaker. That 4.0 is not that bad besides the design. Of course that's my opinion but I need to step on the pedal in my v8 to get it going and it does, but needs to downshift and all that. Then it will go.
I think you would feel the difference if you were towing something over 4k. We use the v8 for towing duties, the 4.0 occasionally will tow a 3k trailer with no issues, but I would say on longer tows over hills, that's where you would see the difference.
For "passenger" duties, the 4.0 is just fine.

Thanks for the replies!

I’m a bit relieved—especially with regard to towing as Explorer_PL noted. The 4.0 I had did ok towing my boat, but I’m looking forward to having the V8 for that in the Spring.

How about the revs on your V8s, though? Do they seem like slower revving engines to you?

Here's the thing about the Modular V8 - they just don't have a lot of nuts down low. Mine revs really good, and getting the factory resonator and muffler replaced with a Flowmaster made a big difference in low end power - it will actually grab a 4 tire bark from a dig.

But after owning a LOT of Modular Fords, I can tell you that getting the move is just not that great. However, let it shift to 2nd, and put it to the wood at about 35 MPH, and you'll wonder where all the power came from. The cam profiles on these engines, coupled with the head flow, it's just not that outstanding for raw power. It IS that outstanding for torque, which is honestly what you are after in an Explorer, especially a V8 model for doing things like pulling your boat, or in my case, using 4 Low to pull fenceposts and shrubs during my recent landscaping project at home.

You'll notice that if you play around with it, at idle to about 1400 RPM, the power isn't that great, but around 1500 to 1800 RPM, the engine comes up on the cam, and makes a LOT more power.

