Wanted - WTB: one 35x12.5R15 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted WTB: one 35x12.5R15

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
January 29, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Ft. Lewis WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Sport 2dr 5Spd MTX
like to keep this local as im not gonna pay to have one tire shipped thats used. lol.

anyways. does anyone have a 35x12.5R15 laying around? it doesnt have to be new as its going to be my spare...

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check out BC4x4.com there's alot of tires on there for dirt cheap and some places may be pretty close to you depending on where you live... not too familiar with WA

i have a crappy mickey thompson "claw" you can have, its on a wheel but the wheel is junk, shoot me a pm if your interisted

forgot to mention its free !!!


you can have the other two someone left at my house also... Forrest...

whats a claw? lol. baja claw? is it in decent shape like at least any tread left at all? doesnt have to be new tread status but at least something IF i need to use it on the trail i can get home on it?

yea its probably 40 % good enough to get home

try 10%...but hey, they are free... all of them

the one i have at the house is in pretty good shape:nono:

