07 sport trac Fuel pump replaced and styill shutting off | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 sport trac Fuel pump replaced and styill shutting off


November 23, 2023
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Year, Model & Trim Level
07 4.6l limited
I am replaced fuel pump I thought was the issue of it just shutting down but same issue when driving for hr or 20 min car shuts off and when you turn key doesn't start like no fuel let it sit for 3 min and starts up will run for 10 seconds and shut off. Intermittent problem module under frame is new connecting to pcm and the fuel filter is new and the rail pressure sensor I am stuck anyone here have this issue.truck runs on spot for half hr no issue but when tirn it on again starts for 10 seconds shuts off please any help I appreciate

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Crank sensor is suspect

Any check engine light?

Crank sensor is suspect

Any check engine light?
yes, when they're intermittent, it almost feels like engine cuts out due to fuel sometimes whilst driving.
cheap part, pretty easy to replace.

The check engine light came on there is a code in memory, that is the absolute best place to start diagnostics

Crank sensor is suspect

Any check engine light?
I had a code was p2004 and 2005
Truck was running for months with those codes and now getting pressure sensor rail code which never had and that sensor is new
I am stuck you think it's crank sensor

Or fuel pump relay/ wiring in and out of relay
Also battery terminals and connections

Would be nice to monitor fuel trims or watch fuel pressure
Let’s look up those codes
I have had a broken cat converter cause a sudden loss of power before the catalyst was loose inside and plugging the exhaust when driving under hard throttle it up hills

Drove me crazy! Finally found it by banging on the whole exhaust system (rattle)

I am going to have to see when I get home what I can figure out just mind killer is all

I had a code was p2004 and 2005
Truck was running for months with those codes and now getting pressure sensor rail code which never had and that sensor is new
I am stuck you think it's crank sensor
Would a crank sensor not show a code I am not getting that code just want to make sure before I order that part

I don’t think I have ever seen a crank sensor code now that you mention it. It is used for startup and then that is about it, the cam sensor is then used by the computer to verify timing. The crank sensor simply tells the pcm “yes I am turning you can run”

I don’t think I have ever seen a crank sensor code now that you mention it. It is used for startup and then that is about it, the cam sensor is then used by the computer to verify timing. The crank sensor simply tells the pcm “yes I am turning you can run”
So should I try and replace it and see what happens

I think you should
Monitor fuel trims and fuel pressure when this shutdown occurs

Maybe pump is failing?

A new crank sensor will not hurt as long as it’s a good quality one. I hate throwing parts at problems but…..

It's a brand new pump I will try crank sensor a.d see

how about the fuel pump driver module? its above the spare tire cross member and if its never been replaced, it is probably corroded and bad

No that's a new one changed it out when notice issue back in the summer

No that's a new one changed it out when notice issue back in the summer
End of January, was this solved?

I had chimed in and said CPS.
Last winter I had some intermittent hiccups driving, and a complete no start, them problems reduced to occasional hiccup driving in cold weather. Assumed it was CPS, bought one but never got around to changing it.
This winter first -20C day truck failed to start, and did not on multiple attempts/days with booster packs....
Bought the Fuel pump driver module after bypassing the fuel pump relay and not hearing pump
First -16C day crawled under it and swapped. instant start, and seems like this was the original problem.
Need to swap fuel filter also - haven't done in my ownership.

You have replaced Fuel pump driver module, fuel pump, filter?(probably)

If you have isolated the condition to a temperature thing (hot/cold) you may be able to say electrical or something.

maybe now you need to look at bigger things like injector harness/control, coils, engine compression and vacuum

All the wiring is fine
Only thing left is the computer it apparently is not sending a signal back so we are currently in the process of swapping out computer

I think you should
Monitor fuel trims and fuel pressure when this shutdown occurs

Maybe pump is failing?

A new crank sensor will not hurt as long as it’s a good quality one. I hate throwing parts at problems but…..
Problem was main computer was not sending a signal back and forth all the time which is why was shutting off replaced it with a used one for 100 bucks at junkyard and no issues now finally all this time was rhe computer

Glad to hear you solved the issue and thank you for the update.

Glad to hear you solved the issue and thank you for the update.
Sorry I though issue was resolved it is not I had truck for 4 weeks drove intown no issues and when I went on a hr ride same problem came back shut down and also parked for 3 weeks for work came back started truck drove 10 minutes stopped again 2x I am at witts end its new used ecm and fuel pump and pcm and rail sensor I am running out of options truck only has 230km on it
Any other ideas I appreciate anyone

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I'm in the same boat (or car). i did get a bunch of codes, I'll be watching this tread as well, bump
