16" rims for explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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16" rims for explorer

I got some new tires for my 94 xlt ... i cannot for the life of me find 16 inch rims, to fit the tires, and also my x.
I junkyarded a pair off of a newer model ford ranger, the lugs fit just find, but the front two have too small of a center hole.
Can i grind the center hole out until they fit?
Or would i be better off finding something else?
IF so, what should i get? i was told 16" ranger rims would work. Also, does anyone have any cheap rims that may work ?:usa:

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Thanks alot sir this has helped a ton !

Thanks midnight !

i have 16" rims for you, but i would need your 15" rims

PM me your number!!!!
