1978 Mustang II refurbishment thread | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1978 Mustang II refurbishment thread

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Josh and '92 2wd

That's funny, and my 91 XLT was the almost white cream color. I liked that truck a lot, but the drivetrain and suspension was tired.

need a picture of him posing on the hood now :p kidding, put that as the first pic on cl :p should encourage a fast sale

That's funny, and my 91 XLT was the almost white cream color. I liked that truck a lot, but the drivetrain and suspension was tired.
The only thing tired with this explorer is the owner seeing it not moving under it's own power. If there was air in the tires i couldn't have done that.

need a picture of him posing on the hood now :p kidding, put that as the first pic on cl :p should encourage a fast sale
Need a Michael Bolton starter kit for that. If I find 11 more members to pose with their cars, @Rick could sell calendars.

@Josh P That was a fast tour that we gave you. We didn't even get over to the sandblast department. The next upgrade will be to restore an Econoline brand pressure blast cabinet. Link to a new one.https://www.mscdirect.com/product/details/00223859

Purchased from a government contractor. Below is what looks like new.

I'm anxious to see the MII up and running. I had a 77 cobra II 302 C4 way back when. I ran pretty good (Well, as good as any late 70s "Muscle" car did LoL). Sure wish I hadn't sold it. I'll try and dig out some old pics.

By the way, if you ever need any help with that, let me know. I'm right here in Mesa.

I'm anxious to see the MII up and running. I had a 77 cobra II 302 C4 way back when. I ran pretty good (Well, as good as any late 70s "Muscle" car did LoL). Sure wish I hadn't sold it. I'll try and dig out some old pics.

By the way, if you ever need any help with that, let me know. I'm right here in Mesa.
I'll take you up on that offer. I'm in Phoenix near the old Metrocenter mall

I'm starting a new thread. Every weekend I'm home to work on it, it has been raining so I haven't moved it out of the trailer yet. I hope to work on it next weekend
