2014 Explorer Jerks Left After Acceleration, Resets Right When Braking | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2014 Explorer Jerks Left After Acceleration, Resets Right When Braking


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January 19, 2020
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2014 Explorer Limited
I have a 2014 Ford Explorer Limited 3.5 2WD with about 110,000 miles on it. A few months ago, I hit a large pothole on the passenger side front that caused the tire to blow out and the passenger side drive train to make a rubbing noise. I replaced the the wheel bearing and axle, and that fixed that problem. There was some vibration in the steering wheel so I went and replaced the drivers side wheel bearing and axle, and did both control arms and lower ball joints while I was in there. Now the vehicle will accelerate straight, and the steering wheel does not move, but when I let off the gas pedal, the steering wheel will turn about 5 or so degree to the left, but the vehicle will not pull that direction, but shortly after it will jerk to the left. Once I hit the brakes, the steering wheel will return to center, and the vehicle will jerk to the left. There is a small click or clunk noise in the left side when I turn the steering wheel while stopped. I took it in to get an alignment, and everything was off, but they could not adjust the right camber, and they think the strut might be bad. Is it possible the tie rods could be causing this jerking? I was thinking also possible stuck brakes, I did replace all pads and rotors recently, but the wheels are not getting hot like I thought they would with a sticking brake. Kind of stuck on this problem. Thanks for the help.

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It sounds as if you may need to also take a look at steering rack & pinion. Seems very odd that your steering wheel will turn when letting of the gas but not the actual vehicle as a whole but then acts like it received a delayed input.

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
I'd have the alignment issue taken care of first.


Any updates
The OP was last seen here on January 19, 2020, so likely is no longer following the thread. Unfortunately, this happens all too often. I call them 'Hit & Run' posters. ;)

