#23-1973 ford Torino round track car-SOLD | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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#23-1973 ford Torino round track car-SOLD

Late yesterday afternoon a picture got overlooked when I was transferring them from my phone via email to my laptop.
The picture is of the right front lower quarter panel that is going to have to have a patch made to be able to body fill on top of it.

In a restoration situation, this would have been cut out before sandblasting and get sandblasted in the unseen area.

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Some progress has been made today, Friday, But my back is close to going out. I think I will take a break this weekend from all things cars.

I welded the steering rod bracket to the crossbar. I know it was hot enough to melt the thermo crayon, but the weld isn't pretty.
I can't see through my old cheap auto-darkening helmet. Maybe a battery issue or maybe just cheap.


I've moved past the door fender seam to the middle of the door. It is going to take more work.

I'm working on a patch for the right quarter, front dog leg.

The trunk has been sanded. It will need some filler work too.
More Monday afternoon.

This morning when i got to work, I had tools in the mailbox. Not for this project, but one that has metric fasteners on it. I filled in a gap in the tool box.
I had 25mm, then 1" which is 25.6mm. I didn't have 26mm. I had 1 1/16" which is 27mm. I looked on Amazon for a 26mm combo. I found one brand made in China for $18-. Then at the bottom of the page was a pair of 26mm combination wrenches for $11-, for two. My kind of price.

Thursday 1-26-23 Finally to a point where some epoxy priming could be done on the passenger side.

Old left side decals are being removed

Fender wiped down to epoxy prime. In the rag box, there was an old XL ss work shirt. I buttoned the top button and made a t/wheel cover out of it.

Right quarter

Right side view

Right side prime

Monday 1-30-23

Left side being sanded.

Billy is missing his CARMAX shirt.

Back view primed. Car is leaning that much because one side wedge bolts cranked way up/down.


Partial left view

Another back view.
The project is going to have to go on hold so that I/we can install a Vintage Air, air conditioning system i a 1967 Fastback. I have several parts to remove from the Mustang before we install the kit. We also have a 1967 Mustang Coupe that we are restoring that needs to be completed in 2 months. I let @Josh P know about our Facebook page link to follow along with the progress of the '65 coupe.

Tuesday 2-7-23

The last two wheels painted. We had leftover paint so we trimmed some edges.

And painted the fake taillights.


We were using the little touch up gun. It easier to get the edges that way.


Also painted where aluminum block off plates will go. More later. This has to go on hold. The AC system for the 1967 Mustang fastback
showed up yesterday. A week early.

On hold for a few weeks and on the market. We're hoping an aspiring racer with fab skills will buy it, fix the floor and then bring it back for the final paint. It could get quite scratched on the sides climbing in and out of it working on the floors.

It still needs a little more bondo work, body work,


but shaping up.

The cowl/firewall is notched for the battery.
Also, the cross-member is notched (to lower the engine) and needs finished. It can now use early '70s truck motor mounts that let it sit lower than stock Torino motor mounts. Anyone have a mid-eighties 351 Windsor that they could put down in it?

ADDED 10-27-23: Soon more to come!

SOLD! We hadn't quite got back to this one as soon as we had hoped to, however someone was willing to buy it in its current condition and
even wants to follow through with the "Starsky and Hutch" theme. Red with the white stripe.
One of the real S&H Torinos.
1973 s&h torino.PNG

SOLD! Locally.
1973 torino sold.jpg
