2nd gen intake tube | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd gen intake tube


Let Them Eat Cake
Elite Explorer
May 13, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Cape Girardeau, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Sport 4x4
I have a question for you 2nd gen guys (any engine OHV, SOHC, 5.0), about your truck's air intake tube.

How many breather ports does the 2nd gen tube have on it? 1st gens have just 1 (for crankcase vent) but I seem to remember 2nd gens have 2 or 3. ??

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I think only one on my SOHC. Maybe two - its hard to tell in this picture!


The reason I ask is that I'm considering grabbing a 95+ intake tube to use in my truck, and I don't need any extra holes in it. Just the port for the breather. that's it.

Well my SOHC is soupose to have two, but rather then the crankcase breather spewing oil vapor all over my MAS I pluged hole #2 and put in a K&N breather. See photo.


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What did you plug the hole with on your intake tube?

a rubber plug and Permatex

good move, I'll find a plug somewhere if I need to, thx MON

no problem buddy,

I think the '95s have two holes. I believe '96s have only one.

lol this may be off topic but i am noticing how clean your engines are, whats the best way you recommend to cleaning out your engine without damaging anything important


can you tell me what part number that crankcase breather is and what are it's benefits. Thanks.

Just removed one from a 2000 5.0L. It only has one hole.

SteveO2569 said:
lol this may be off topic but i am noticing how clean your engines are, whats the best way you recommend to cleaning out your engine without damaging anything important

Go to my cardomain site and go to page 4. It's not the best, but it'll give you an idea. It's been discussed before on here.


there are 2 holes, one is a pipe that comes off the oil fill tube and goes in right after the maf and the otehr is some kinda sensor that plugs in it over by the throttle body..... 96 ohv

jimabena74 said:
there are 2 holes, one is a pipe that comes off the oil fill tube and goes in right after the maf and the otehr is some kinda sensor that plugs in it over by the throttle body..... 96 ohv

Ok. Thanks for this info, I'm gettin a pretty good idea about things now. rblais posted in this thread about 5.0 tubes...I'll probably poke around for a 96-01 Explorer V8 intake tube then. It should snug up to my 66mm throttle body just fine...I hope

bwinterroth said:

can you tell me what part number that crankcase breather is and what are it's benefits. Thanks.

I dunno the part number, I got it from Summit though. and it is a K&N

I dont know how much of an advantage it is but the thought process is to keep the oil vapor / residue from my throttle body.
