410 fortune - 5.0L EFI 4R70W drivertrain conversion | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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410 fortune - 5.0L EFI 4R70W drivertrain conversion


Truck Season!!
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Elite Explorer
August 3, 2000
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410 fortune - 5.0L EFI 4R70W drivertrain conversion SUCCESS!!

Okay here we go....

1988 Bronco II Eddie Bauer 4x4

previous 93 4.0L OHV conversion
previous 5 speed to A4LD conversion

My second A4LD rebuild went out after only months of service (Edit: this I will later find out to be false, the Transwerx auto A4LD is still going in RangerX's Explorer, what I thought was a bad issue with the transmission actually ended up being a blown ring and pinion in my rear 8.8 axle)

I think the 4.0L OHV engine is perfectly suited to motivate the BII chassis, unfortunatley the only wise automatic transmission choice (IMO) is the C4 automatic. I am unwilling to give up my overdrive because I drive my truck as much as possible and on long trips. I plan to keep my BII as long as possible, I past the point of no return years ago.

So I purchased the complete drivetrain from a 97 Mercury Mountaineer with 53K on the clock. truck is equipped with 5.0L EFI OBD-II engine and 4R70W automatic transmission. Transfercase is AWD and will be removed in favor of a low range case.

My truck has gone from a speed density 2.9L 60 degree Cologne V6 and Mitsu 5 speed to a 93 pushrod OHV 4.0L and Mazda 5 speed. the wiring was completely cuastomizer to fit the truck and include accessories wired into the 4.0L power distribution harness.
The truck was then converted to a automatic using a 93 A4LD, (rebuilt), 84 BII floor shifter, and BW 1354 t case.
Soon after the 4.0L a 97 31 spline 8.8 was installed and a complete disc brake conversion was performed.
A custom turned dana 35 lift is up front, both diffs with 4.10 R&P, Ford L/S in 8.8 (rebuilt) and ARB up front.

The wiring for the new OBD-II system will be incorporated into the current 4.0L OHV power harness with the trans and engine 5.0L computer added on top.

Currently the 4.0L is out, all systems are out sans steering and braking.
Firewall is being repaired (rust), pinch weld has been bent back (sledge hammer) and engine compartment is ready for paint.

I have the L&L engine mounts in hand, this weekend the 5.0L gets dropped in for trial fit. This week I will notch heater box and purchase oil filter 90 degree relocation kit.

The 5.0L will remain factory for now, using the stock explorer manifolds and as much of the exhaust as possible (4 02 sensors). The engine will get a full tune up, I will use the alternator from the 4.0L (new 130 amp), I will retain A/C, and all full EEC-V conversion will work with factory style gages and systems.

Plan is to be running by Feb :)
more to come.....
93 4.0L OHV ready to come out, approx 200+K miles on block, runs like a top

New 97 5.0L (97 Mercury, 53K miles)sitting next to 4.0L:

New 4r70W trans and AWD case (53K miles)

Truck ready for power wash and engine bay refurbish:

Update 01-09-05:
Okay so I trial fit the L&L engine mounts and the 5.0L efi engine this weekend.
The 97 Explorer oil pan will not work with my engine mounts and engine crossmember. I have clearance problems with my James Duff axle pivot bracket and also the superlift superrunner steering idler arm bracket.
I am not sure the Explorer IFS oil pan would work even without these brackets on the truck.
Search is on for a oil pan that will work.....

Firewall and engine bay have been powerwashed, scuffed up and ready for paint. Heater box preperations have begun however I cannot finish this until the engine is bolted in for measuring. It is a tight fit along the trans tunnel and heater box without a body lift...

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Awesome Jamie. Can't wait to see how it all fits together. I whimped out on the 5.0 conversion. I like my 5 speed too much and couldn't afford the T5 so I'm in the process of over building a 4.0.

Is the alt and A/C going to fit in the engine bay? Dang, that thing is wide...

Rock on! You're back in CO now?

NOTAJP said:
Awesome Jamie. Can't wait to see how it all fits together. I whimped out on the 5.0 conversion. I like my 5 speed too much and couldn't afford the T5 so I'm in the process of over building a 4.0.

Thats OK, Advance Adapters says they may never sell another T5/1354 kit, due to lack of OEM Jeep tailhousings. I think I got the last one last year :eek: . M5OD-R2 and 1356 isn't a bad choice tho, or if you prefer wider ratios the ZF with a 5.72 first gear.

It never ends with you does it?
Only keeps getting better.

Just order the 8" Skyjacker Coil springs for a Ranger. That will look nicer than throwing a spacer in there. :) Probably perform better also.

do I see headers on the 4.0??? if so how much? :D

:chug: :chug:

I want whatever you used to convert to the A4LD in your BII... I need to do that for my 86 Ranger so it will run.

Can't find a good 5 speed anywhere and I've got a spare auto.

(Unless you happen to have the Mazda 5 sp. laying around somewhere yet...)

Project looks great! Can't wait to see ya again.

Are you up for an Eastern trip once it's finished?

Subscribing..... you stole my drivetrain!

Best of luck, the 5.0/4R70W is a great combo.

So how'd your A4LD fail? Sounded like transworks had quite a reputation riding on their units.
Just curious.

Brian at Transwerx stands behind his work, unfortunatley for me hes in CA and I am back in CO.
more on A4LD later.....

In for updates.

Not to be nosie, but how much was your 5.0 combo purchase?

410Fortune said:
I will likely need some coil spacers to help witht he extra #200 or so, ........

the weight is much closer than that, probably more like a 75-100LB difference. with AL heads and the battery moved where it belongs, it should be really close. IIRC when I did my ranger it was something like 75LB more than the 2.0L 4-banger. Negligible in a truck.

just to be nosie, where'd you get the headers and how much, can't find em much cheaper than $250 or so and that's too much for V6 headers

Subscribing, No, you won't miss the 4.0!!!

L&L mounts:$180 shipped
Canton billet aluminum oil filter re-locate 90 elbow: $60 shipped (ordered today)

Still need: B&M floor shifter with OD control $200
AA adapter (if I dont use full size 6 bolt t case) $560
Considering governor upgrade for 4r70w and shift kit
all sorts of custom hoses, some gaskets, fluids, and tune up parts for 5.0L
96 5.0L explorer PCM (if this 97 is equipped with PATS)

sounds sweet as hell

can't wait to see the finished product


Have a dual sump Ford 88 Mustang oil pan now, also the pick up tube and new gasket.
My oil filter re-locator arrived also.

Thing to note: Explorer oil pan is cast aluminum, the Mustang dual sump pan is stamped. When you go to bolt up the new pan the bolts for the Explorer pan will be too long.

The 97 Explorer is not equipped with a low oil sensor in the pan, however the 88 Bronco II is, so I chose to retain this feature and will wire it up.

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Thats gonna be one mean BII! You should post up a sound byte of the engine once it's up and running. :D
