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4406 installed!!!

No I haven't is there a thread on it?

Yeah.. if you search AVM you can find discussion on it. delexploder has a thread on it here.

I am torn between the center axle and the AVM. I think I will just leave it as is for now and make up my mind once I see where I am really going with this build.

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Yea I hear you there it's an easy choice for just Me because I have everything I need for the center disconnect swap. My Ex orginally had the 4.0 U swapped in the 5.0 so cost wise it would cost me $130 for the steel oil pan and the gasket

Yea I hear you there it's an easy choice for just Me because I have everything I need for the center disconnect swap. My Ex orginally had the 4.0 U swapped in the 5.0 so cost wise it would cost me $130 for the steel oil pan and the gasket

Just took a look under my truck and I think I have the aluminum pan as well... I do not plan on replacing my pan so that points to AVM or staying live.

Yea it will all work out in the end I'm planning on ordering the steel oil pan next Friday and I'm planning on putting my 4406 in this weekend. let's hope all goes well

Yea it will all work out in the end I'm planning on ordering the steel oil pan next Friday and I'm planning on putting my 4406 in this weekend. let's hope all goes well

It will. The hardest part about my swap was getting the center console out. I read that you just pull it back and up after taking out the appropriate bolts. But mine did not want to budge so I ended up taking more apart than needed. Turns out I just did not pull hard enough.:banghead:

Ah lol lucky for me that I just have little cup holder deal then. I'm also worried about the gas tank bracket cause when I did my v6 to v8 I had to grind part of it so the drive shaft wouldn't hit it. I plan on starting later tonight if not tomorrow

Ah lol lucky for me that I just have little cup holder deal then. I'm also worried about the gas tank bracket cause when I did my v6 to v8 I had to grind part of it so the drive shaft wouldn't hit it. I plan on starting later tonight if not tomorrow

Yeah.. that bracket had to be bent to get mine in. It is pretty straight forward. You can see how much you need to bend it because the tcase will be in already. You do have to remove the bracket and slide the tank out of the way.

I'm not looking forward to that lol

So here is question u I got my 4406 swap done but my speedo is reading to fast. Now I took my old gear out and put it in the 4406. I have 3:73 gears and 235/75/15 size tires. Did u have to do anything with the gear? I do believe that the F150s had 16 inch rims. What do I need to do to figure this out I hope it doesn't involve a lot of math not my best subject lol

So here is question u I got my 4406 swap done but my speedo is reading to fast. Now I took my old gear out and put it in the 4406. I have 3:73 gears and 235/75/15 size tires. Did u have to do anything with the gear? I do believe that the F150s had 16 inch rims. What do I need to do to figure this out I hope it doesn't involve a lot of math not my best subject lol

You know... I left the speedo gear in the case. I never swapped a thing and it is reading exactly the same ( or close ) as it was before... I figured I would try it that way first then see. There is a thread out there on that speedo gear... I just dont remember where. Search 4406 and speedometer or speed sensor. Might come up.

Congrats on the swap! How did it go?? Any snags?

It went well I did hit a couple snags the shift linkage I got didn't fit the bolt holes on the transmission but I did some measuring and drilled a hole and it fit plus the linkage bar that goes to the tranny was too long but after figuring out where 2wd was on the transfer case I was able to cut the bar and drill a hole and it fit perfectly. I also didn't bend the gas tank bracket I took a cutting wheel and trimmed it so it would fit. The hardest part I think was trying to get the transfer case mounted to the transmission. I did all this with no help it took about 13 and half hours but it's done and I'm driving it

It went well I did hit a couple snags the shift linkage I got didn't fit the bolt holes on the transmission but I did some measuring and drilled a hole and it fit plus the linkage bar that goes to the tranny was too long but after figuring out where 2wd was on the transfer case I was able to cut the bar and drill a hole and it fit perfectly. I also didn't bend the gas tank bracket I took a cutting wheel and trimmed it so it would fit. The hardest part I think was trying to get the transfer case mounted to the transmission. I did all this with no help it took about 13 and half hours but it's done and I'm driving it

Sweeet!! Well, with having to modify the linkage you did pretty well!

How did you like benching that case in?? I believe it weighs 98 pounds dry! I just had to finagle it by the gas tank, as the tank was balanced on a jack and board.

Yes... this can be a one man job... I did it myself. Although, having someone there to help speeds things up. I just know that doing it myself, I got kind of a rush when it was completed and driving.:D

I dropped my gas tank and took it completely out from under my ex and I used my transmission jack to lift the transfer case in place it was pretty easy after I took care of all the hit spots on the body and the other reason the swap took me so long is I replaced every u joints on the drive shafts. Plus I broke my shop light while I was putting the transfer case in that was really fun to do in the dark lol. But I'm glad I did it my next step is to do the center disconnect swap in a few weeks I have to let my bank account recover a little after this hehe I was also planning on a body lift and building slider for my explorer since my rockers are getting a little on the rusty side. I'm glad that I am a welder by trade that came in real handy figuring out where to dtill the holes on the linkage parts. I also built a skid plate for the front of my rig with an access plate so I can change the oil. I was wondering if the skid plate that goes under the transfer case will fit or if I need to modify it due the bigger transfer case I didn't hve time to check to see if it will fit

I think the tcase skid needs to be modified. I can see my case from the side of the vehicle hanging down slightly. Nice that you are a welder. I am an electrician by trade!!

Well I'm gonna modify the skip plate so it's fits just because where I live snow drifts are very common and it would be nice to protect this swap I did hehe I will let u know what I come up with I have but some shielding gas 1at and wait for a day where it is a decent temp outside instead of -10 with the wind chill.

Im in the process of probably converting my 98 SOHC AWD/4WD to a V8 with an engine and tranny from a 96. My only question is if i can use the Transfer case from my V6 after swapping out the entire drive train from the 96?

Alright so Im looking into the 4406 now that i will forgo my 4x4 with the v8 swap from a 2wd V8. What exactly do I need to do this. As is after the swap I will essentially be 2wd. I can find a bunch of posts by people who have done it and are showing their final results but I cant find a how to.

I'm seriously planning on doing this swap before next Winter. I work at a local ski resort so I need to KNOW that my front wheels are pulling rather than hope that they will lock up in time.

I have a couple of slightly off topic questions . . .

For dry weather driving before I do the swap would there be any advantage or disadvantage to installing the AVM manual hubs a few months prior to installing the 4406?

My theory is that even though I will still be turning all of that metal up front (drive shaft, diff, axles, etc), with the hubs unlocked the drive train will just be "free wheeling" and not be wasting energy trying to fight the resistance of the front wheels. Better mileage?

Do the guys who remove their front drive shafts get better mileage? I'm sure the ones who removed it due to something being broken or binding up front get better mileage because they aren't trying to "drive through" the damaged parts. Has anyone removed their front drive shaft from a properly functioning AWD vehicle?

Inquiring minds (or at least mine) want to know,

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Alright so Im looking into the 4406 now that i will forgo my 4x4 with the v8 swap from a 2wd V8. What exactly do I need to do this. As is after the swap I will essentially be 2wd. I can find a bunch of posts by people who have done it and are showing their final results but I cant find a how to.

Can you clear this up? Are you planning on swapping in the V8 and trans which will make you 2wd for now and later planning on putting in the 4406?
