5.0 cam swap roller rocker questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 cam swap roller rocker questions


June 23, 2003
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Thamesford Ontario Canada
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Okay I have a 96 Explorer 5.0 and we are going to swap out the cam for an e303 and we are using the mustang computer an harness. Anyway do you need to use the roller rockers with this cam?? If so why? and what are the disadvantages to not using them? this is going in an 83 Ranger if anyone is wondering why the mustang computer and wiring. Sorry this has the gt-40 heads not the gt-40p heads


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no, you dont need them, but why not get them while you're in the motor? you can find some nice 1.6's on ebay all the time for $100.

Mainly because it is my dad's motor and he doesn't seem to want to get them. His Truck his loss I guess. I am getting them for my LT1 so I am not sure why he thinks he doesn't need them. Another reason is that $100 American turns into alot more Canadian with Shipping etc...Cheapest on ebay was $139. Just wondering if they make that much of a difference or not.

no, they dont make much difference hp wise. they do offer more accuracy along with much greater valvetrain life and reduced wear and friction. your/his call.

Honestly if it were up to me I would get them!! But he needs some pushing sometimes!!
