ABS LIGHT QUESTION | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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February 21, 2004
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Economy, Pennsylvania
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93 XLT
WHen I am driving down the road my abs light comes on. this only happens when I am on the highway but when I turn the truck off and then back on the light isn't on. Does anyone else have this problem with their ABS light. how do I go about fixing the problem?
any and all comments welcome

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check the speed sensord but i would get the codes read to findout what to check. i think ford is the only one to read abs codes

Take the bulb out

DO NOT! take the bulb out. it lights up for a reason when the light is on it is telling you that you do not have abs. find the prolblem and fix it but taking the bulb out is not a solution

Yeah that was a joke, I figured everybody would know that but you never know

i did not think people would joke about telling people what to do with their brakes


Thanks for your help billy
