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AirMax Cold Air Intake Installation 2nd Gen 5.0

I recently installed my AirMax CAI on my Merc. I have been enjoying the increased throttle response, driveablity and fuel mileage the last few weeks.

Even though it is a relatively simple job, I thought I'd take several pictures of the install process.

Step by step:

You should begin with something looking like this:




Loosen the hose clamps at the throttle body and MAF



Remove the hose that connects to the oil fill neck that is on the top of the intake tube


It is a barb type fitting, wiggle it back and forth to remove.


With the hose removed, the intake hose/tube can be removed. It make take some wiggling to get off the throttle body and MAF


The MAF is attached to the air box by 4 coarse thread bolts. A 10mm wrench is the size needed. I chose to remove the MAF from the air box in the truck- it can be done after the box is out.



To remove the air box, lift on the inside edge of the box straight up. Once it snaps up, wiggle it toward the inside, it should release from the fender


The box removed


Remove the back screw from the air box tray as I am pointing to with the screwdriver


Now that all factory air box components are removed, its time to assemble the AirMax intake.

The intake consists of 3 main parts-

The tube


The heat shield/filter adapter


The Filter- yes its an angled base filter


Start by attaching the factory MAF to the filter housing using the 4 bolts per the instructions. Put the included gasket on the heat shield, then line up the MAF. It has needs to be oriented correctly, if necessary take the heat shield, line the tab up with the hole left by the bolt you removed earlier to ensure the MAF is not upside down.






Now put the heat shield with the attached MAF under the hood, line the tab up with the hole, install the metric bolt included with the kit


Now take the tube, attach the couplers on both ends along with two clamps on each end. Tighten the two clamps that go on the tube itself as shown, leave the other two clamps loose, but on the couplers


Start by attaching the coupler to the throttle body


Then the MAF end.

Tighten the hose clamps on the TB and MAF

Attach the MAF connector to the MAF


Put the hose connected to the filler neck in the grommeted hole on the tube


Almost done-

Slip the filter on the heat shield-


Tighten the clamp on the filter


Double check all bolts, clamps and electrical connections




I have seen an increase of 1 - 1.5 MPG consistently since I installed this CAI as well as a significant increase in throttle response.

I give it :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Looks nice, i wish i saw that big an increase in MPG with my Mac intake.

nice write up
were did u get this from??

What are dimensions of the pipe? Looks like (4"dia.)x(10-12"length)x(4-6"leg). It really shouldnt be that hard to find parts to make the exact same thing without paint and heatshield for $50 or so.

nice write up

That tube running from your filler neck to the air tube looks awful familiar :p:

What are dimensions of the pipe? Looks like (4"dia.)x(10-12"length)x(4-6"leg). It really shouldnt be that hard to find parts to make the exact same thing without paint and heatshield for $50 or so.

I don't think so- I did at one point though. I bought a filter, MAF to filter adapter, had couplers and mandrel bent aluminum tubing given to me and still it cost me more than $50. And, because of some unknown issue, my MPG's and power went down. The people that make those intakes know what they are doing, they have the money to properly research and design a product that works well.

Why do they call it "spiral flow"?

Does it have unique sound characteristics?

They call it "spiral flow" because some models have an insert with spirals. I suppose it could help swirl air :dunno: Unfortunately, this model does not have this insert for some reason.

Finally.. I was waiting for this... nice review/guide.

The spiral flow is supposed to refer to a tornado like device in the tube, I find it odd his didn't come with it.

MountaineerGreen, would you say you got a bigger increase in performance/mpg than the Mac? Would you say the increase in price is worth it? Performance wise..

It's around $169 or so, I wish the AirMax came in a different color.. but that's just me being picky.. Didn't aldive figure the iat doesn't affect hp as much as people usually say?

At first, I was hesitant because of the color, but once its in there, it looks really good, the powder coat finish really looks nice. If you are concerned, buy the CAI, ship it to jtsmith, he can coat it whatever color you desire, then ship it to you.

Haha, more money than I can afford right now. Would be interesting what jtsmith would do though.

I bought all of my intake tubing from intakehoses.com a K&N filter and a Lightning MAF adapter and it cost me about $200.

You got any pics?

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