Another Desert Run [11/09/02] Anyone? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another Desert Run [11/09/02] Anyone?

Meeting Time & Place

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Meeting Time: 9:30 a.m.

Cost: $10 per vehicle - payable at the Cottonwood Visitors Center.

Meeting Place: Cottonwood Visitors Center - Joshua Tree National Park.

Directions: Take I-10 east - past Indio towards Desert Center. Exit at Mecca/29 Palms. Turn left at stopsign, taking overpass over the freeway. Head North into the Canyon ahead of you, leading you towards 29 Palms and Joshua Tree National Park [East Entrance]. 8 Miles past I-10 on the right will be the Cottonwood Visitors Center [it's the only building you'll see in this section of the park].

We'll see y'all there!

We'll meet up at 9:30, and wait until 10 a.m. to

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Oops! I didn't mention the day(s)!

We'll be rolling on both Saturday as well as Sunday. Camping will be free, and we'll just pitch a tent adjacent to some old mining village, light up a fire, and pull out the lawn chairs. Saturday, we'll meet at 9:30 at Cottonwood. Sunday is gonna be real spontaneous, so, if you want to meet up that day, we'll have to plan a meeting place for ya. Just let me know if anyone wants to meet up on Sunday for a 1 day run with me and all the other SUVs...

Hey Ken-

Jon installed his cb in his montero(w/ a 7 foot antenna!!:eek: ) He also got someone to ride with him so we'll have a rider in each truck. Haven't asked him about the handheld yet, but I will soon.


Trail Info. provided by "DezRat"

Dez Rat was nice enough to provide some additional information about the trails we are going to take this weekend. With the possiblity of rain, this could turn into a really challenging run. Without the rain, well, it's still going to be a blast, but not as challenging. Here's what Dez Rat had to say about The Supply Mine and Carlsye Mine...

>>Humm.. The problem isn't really the steepness, it's the width of the road.
If you guys all have Jeeps you should be ok. If you have anything bigger
it could get "interesting." There is one 180 turn that's right after you
leave the relatively easy accent to the Supply. The road has a nice little
stair step right at the supply that separates the 4WDs from the SUVs <G>
then after that it has some decent climbs before leveling out up top. Great
view. Then you can go down the back side for a bit before it ends at a waterfall.
The Carlysle is below that. You have to climb down the waterfall to get to
it. Don't do that in the dark!

Also be aware that last I heard- it's gonna rain on sat. Dunno if you want
to do that road in the wet. Lots of rocks that I imagine will get very slick.

Have a good time! Be safe! If you go into the mine, make sure EVERYONE has
at least one, if not more light!

-Dez Rat

Yea, I wish I had the cash this month to buy one. I'll go over the books again tonight, and I'll see what money I can spare... Those waterfalls sound pretty fun. The last time I messed with these were on Rockhouse Canyon Jeep Trail also in Joshua Tree. Lets hope those rocks don't get too slippery with all of the rain thats forecast!:eek:

Now, it looks like there's only a 30% chance of rain on Friday. I was expecting some strong rain showers with the canyons and washes filling up with storm waters. Nope. I guess it'll be a dry, dusty adventure with cool temperatures and lots and lots of trails...

BTW-Josh, I never took you to check out Golden Egg Mine. Make sure everyone has their own flash lights, and we'll be good to go. That mine is good, easy walkin' straight to the back wall where the miners gave up, and decided to quit work. I don't believe there are any Rattlesnakes inside, but we'll carry enough light to see one...

I'll see everyone this Saturday morning!


Tell everyone that we'll meet up Saturday morning at the Cottonwood Visitors Center @ 9:30 a.m. I think the best place for us to camp out will be at the Golden Egg Mine. It is located just off of Old Dale Road, but it is well hidden. There is a roof that covers a clean, level concrete foundation, and there's a nice mineshaft to check out near by. I'm hoping the showers will cover the dirt and keep all of that pesky dust under control.

C-ya there!



I'll see everyone at Cottonwood Visitors Center @ 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning.

There'll be no:

Wondering what to do all weekend
& Chores!


Actually man, it didn't rain one drop! Looks like everybody missed out except for us. Keep your eyes open; Ken is going to do a full writeup and we are working on an off-site picture setup
