Atlas 5.1??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Atlas 5.1???

Derrick C.

Moderator Drinkin Corona
Moderator Emeritus
September 11, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Twin Falls, Idaho---------B.F.E.
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT, 92 XL
Has anyone heard anything on prices???

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Originally posted by CoryL
I'll call tomorrow and find out.

Ahh c'mon.. it's not even 2:30 out here yet! :D

I've e-mailed them.....tried calling the smorning and then 10 minutes ago when I got up. Nothing. Anyone here a price???:)

Retail is ~$2740 for the case alone. Like all prices you see, it doesn't include shifters, oil, or shipping.

Call me if anyone is interested in getting one for a little bit cheaper.

(502) 962-8141
