Breaks wearing out every month | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Breaks wearing out every month


Well-Known Member
October 12, 1999
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City, State
augusta, ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XL
Ok guys. I have a friend who has a 91 xlt who has to have her brakes replaced about once a month. She has replaced calipers, rotors and all and still has to replace pads and shoes average once a month because they wear out that quick. has anyone had this problem or know of a recall on this? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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What brand pads does she use? Can she feel a drag when she drives?

Those questions I do not know the answer to. All I know is she has a brother in law who owns a shop and she has them replaced about once a month because they completely wear out.

I'm stumped then. I really don't think it is the brand pads or anything. I have never encountered that. The only thing I can honestly think of os maybe they are dragging a little and she doesn't notice it and they are justrubbing the whole time. Maybe some more of these guys have encountered this but not me. Sorry man. I tried.

Thanks man! I do appreciate any info I can get from here. I'm stumped also. My X is the same exact year and model and I have never had a problem with my brakes yet.

my brakes are kind of problematic... but not THAT bad... maybe the master cylinder is screwed up? Or maybe (and I hate to be the devils advocate on this one) she is just abusing the truck and driving it like its a formula one. 5600lbs of truck being stopped by some sad brakes can wear out quickly if its a lot of stop and go. Also, from what i hear, getting mud in/on your brakes can cause unusually fast wear.


Maybe she's riding on the brake like an old lady..

Have her Brother in law check the calipers out. If the pads are not relasing fully they'll run down to the rivets pretty quickly. Knicks on the glide pins will cause the caliper to stick in one spot and not fully retract the caliper.

Also, check the rotors and have them turned (if he isn't doing that already). Ask her if the brake pedal pulsates when she's hitting the brakes.

Is the BIL bleeding the brake system when he services it?

Just some Ideas. hope it helps.

Is this just a problem with the front or the rear ones too?

another thing to have checked out, and I'm suprised no one else has mentioned it. While they're turning the rotors and checking the calipers (all good idea), might also be a good diae to check the hub and the bearings. If either are abd it can cause unnecessary brake wear. Haven't heard a set of brakes going out in a MONTH but still.

Or maybe (and I hate to be the devils advocate on this one) she is just abusing the truck and driving it like its a formula one.

I have a tendancy to do that....heheheheh........but my brakes are fine.

Amigo, have you driven or rode in her truck? If not, you might be able to feel something she can't; especially since you have your truck to compare it to.

About the harsh treatment, my brakes have only been serviced once in 55k miles and I drive like a bat-out-of-hell!

I have the seen the way she drives and she does not abuse the X. She does run a newspaper route with the X, but still even though its alot of stop and go I can't see changing brakes once a month. From what she has told me, her mechanic has replaced calipers, master cylinder, rotors and most of the other functioning components of the brake system and still it persist. I am totally stumped on this one. My advice was to just get rid of it, considering it has well over 200,000 miles on it anyways, has had 3 tranny rebuilds and is in need of another. Anyways thanks to all for the input on this problem.

i drove like a bat outta hell for one night playing "tag" and my brakes were fried.

ok this is very devils advocate: Does her brother in law like her? or is he bitter to her? I mean i know they are family now, but some families never get along and do things just to spite each other.....

That kind of wear indicates a serious problem somewhere.

I would immediately take the truck to a good brake shop and let them have a go at fixing your problem

I would NOT drive the truck until fixed.

Good luck and let us know what you find out.

My guess is the caliper slide pins aren't lubricated. My dad always takes it to Midas, and every 3 months we go back because the pads are worn out and/or rotors warped. We found out the caliper slide pins hadn't been lubricated in years. We lubricate em every other oil change and no problems since.

check to make sure the rotors are installed, A) in the correct direction (some rotors are direction and side sensitive), B) that the calipers are on the correct side and location, and C) that the rotor is not misaligned, if it is slightly crooked, then that would mean that that the pad is wearing constantly.

high speed stops can also warp rotors very quickly. i believe that Explorer brakes have stock 2 peice rotors, and a shop will more than likely replace them with a similar OE rotor. tell her to contact Stillen, and order their brake upgrade system. it comes with tight looking cross drilled rotors and carbon metallic pads that wear slower, grip better and create less brake dust than standard pads.

hope i helped. peace.

I've had the same problems with my '92 for several years. Brake pads wear out quickly, rotors warp significantly, etc, etc...

Ok...Here's where the problem lies...and I can almost guarantee that this will take care of it...replace any and all of the rubber brake lines...the rubber inside the lines weakens with brake fluid and then little slivers of the plastic get caught in the lines and calipers...therefore the brakes don't completely release and the heat builds up and breaks down the pads...leading to pulsing, vibration, grinding, and warped rotors.

New slide pins would be a good idea as well....

Stay away from "lifetime" brake pads such as those performance friction by autozone...the pad material is actually stronger than the rotor, so therefore you'll have to replace your rotors long before the pads wear out.

aim: rhammond1022

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whenever i have a car that always has something wrong with it and i cant afford to fix and wouldnt be able to sell i run it into the side of a hill. or have a demolition derby with some friends in a field. good times
