Wanted - bumpsteer sucks, need a solution | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted bumpsteer sucks, need a solution

Parts or services wanted


Well-Known Member
October 7, 2008
Reaction score
always between North Ga and East Texas.
City, State
Buford, Ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008 ST Limited
ok, so i am having some bumpsteer problems now on my lowered 01 sport....I have been looking at bumpsteer kits, but I was wondering, would a mustang bumpsteer kit work on my ex? would a mustang steering rack work for that matter.......I need to fix it asap, its so annoying and it almost made me wreck yesterday during the incredibly bad weather we had, looked like we had a damn hurricane in downtown atlanta lol. Weather had about a 10 foot visibility range, and on a road with a functioning drainage that keeps it clear of collecting water, my truck randomly would attempt to steer itself. I know some of you say its the weather but I have been in far worse conditions in my truck and vehicles of all conditions imaginable and can tell the difference between the weather affecting the vehicle or the vehicles suspension affecting it. Second question, how would I level out my control arms? I'm converting to coil-over suspension during this winter break from school hopefully
