Can I program a new key if I have one and a half key? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can I program a new key if I have one and a half key?


Elite Explorer
March 1, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Birmingham, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Sport Trac
Searched found instruction to program extra keys for a PAT II system.
But I only have one full key that works and the other original key which broke in half. Can I program 2 more? My thought is I’ll use the full one for the two cycles and place the second one next to the first on the second cycle? My thought is that is picks up the signal through the cylinder and won’t work and thus off to the stealership?

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Give it a try. It may full it. Or just get normal blank cut to do the second cycle.

I wouldn't hold my breath, but it's not going to hurt to try it.

When you have the new one made and programmed, program a 3rd one as well. That'll prevent it from being a problem should the same thing happen in the future.

Good luck, and let us know if it works!


Unlikely. The "1/2 key" doesn't have a transponder thingy in it which is what is being looked for by PATS when you stick in that 2nd key.

Can't hurt to try, but don't hold your breath it will work.

If you have the half thats not cut then it might work, the transponder is under the rubber/plastic coating.

I assume by broken you mean the key is in two parts and the transponder is most likely ok. If so you'd need to have a non transponder key cut at wallmart for a $1 and use it with your broken key's transponder to see if it works.. You can't put 2 transponders near the ignition @ the same time or the system will get confused :confused: and probably won't work.

Here is the update it didnt work. Yes its in two pieces, and no I wasn't using it as a screw driver. I could put the key in and it would turn and the dash lights came on but no starter. I tried holding the key next to it, also tried with the key touching the other key. No go, but now have a hide a key to unlock the door . . . .
There must be something special about the metal maybe? I am surprised the in broke in half, I have seen keys bent like a pretzel before, this seems brittle.
