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Cold Air Intake.


New Member
July 22, 2018
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2010 ford sport trac xlt

My dad gave me his 2010 Ford Sport Trac 4.1L XLT V6. I want to do some upgrades to it but I am having trouble finding parts. Is there a cold air intake for it? Also I know there is the much more desired 4.6L V8. I am trying to get my hands on a 2010 one. I live in Canada and they are very hard to find in good shape. Is there a cold air intake for the V8 as well?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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I like noise and have money . I know it’s a K&N but not sure what model number.

Look at my signature for intake model number. You'll get noise, no gains, but possibly a CEL.

They may have used the one for the 08 model. Who knows. Thanks for all the help.

Yeah, thats the one I have. Sounds great, doesn't do anything.

swap in the 5.0L Coyote if you're gonna do an engine swap.

i have a K&N intake. doesnt do anything. dont recommend it.
i would suggest the f150 throttle body mod.
