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Control arms


Active Member
December 30, 2018
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Ucon, ID
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Explorer XLT
Was coming down a mountain all 4x4'd up, and smashed my rear right control arm (which was bent to start with). O'Reilly's catalog says "not for 16" aluminium rims" but I can't tell the difference by looking from the part I just pulled off.. Anyone know why I should avoid putting this arm on my truck? Will it literally just not fit?

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That or one from the wreckers. Turns out the O'Reilly's one only fits if I use the spare wheel. Mystery solved!

Was coming down a mountain all 4x4'd up, and smashed my rear right control arm (which was bent to start with). O'Reilly's catalog says "not for 16" aluminium rims" but I can't tell the difference by looking from the part I just pulled off.. Anyone know why I should avoid putting this arm on my truck? Will it literally just not fit?View attachment 179422
I've always heard a lot of good about Rock Auto, but personal experience? They sent me a rear toe compensator link w/a ball joint which was faulty. The blue rubber & the threaded piece sticking out of it on the ball joint, it was bent to about 12:07, whereas w/the other arm, when you screw the ball joint on, everything is in a nice, straight up & down, everything at 12:00. Again, just my personal experience.

I've always heard a lot of good about Rock Auto, but personal experience? They sent me a rear toe compensator link w/a ball joint which was faulty. The blue rubber & the threaded piece sticking out of it on the ball joint, it was bent to about 12:07, whereas w/the other arm, when you screw the ball joint on, everything is in a nice, straight up & down, everything at 12:00. Again, just my personal experience.
I'd contact RA and ask them to exchange it at their expense.

I'd contact RA and ask them to exchange it at their expense.
I did. They offered to ship a replacement - as soon as a shipping label was scanned into a shipper's system, my expense, & considering I ran into a financial problem, & then later, after inspecting the 'good' one thoroughly... It looks like someone took a returned arm, cleaned it up as good as possible, screwed a new ball joint on there, & sent it back out.

I'd contact RA and ask them to exchange it at their expense.
Sorry. Accidentally bumped send. Anyway, financial issues caused me to mess around & not get to it, & I missed the window of opportunity to return it. No big deal. I plan on getting Dormans & cutting the greaseplug off. Ty though.👍🏽
