Do NOT buy anything from this Ebay company > ECCPP-AUTOPARTS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do NOT buy anything from this Ebay company > ECCPP-AUTOPARTS


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Bought brand new radiator and the transmission fluid cooling section is NOT fully separated from coolant section ! ! Good thing I caught this before adding coolant and destroying my transmission! Avoid at all costs >>> ECCPP-AUTOPARTS <<
Being 95% of all radiators are made in China now I figured quality is a gamble no matter what so went with this, figured at least it wouldn't have major manufacturing defect at the get-go and last at least 3 years or more.
Guy / company ignores all emails....and has glaringly bad google reviews:

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Always smart to pressure test a new rad, regardless, for this very reason

Bought brand new radiator and the transmission fluid cooling section is NOT fully separated from coolant section ! ! Good thing I caught this before adding coolant and destroying my transmission! Avoid at all costs >>> ECCPP-AUTOPARTS <<
Being 95% of all radiators are made in China now I figured quality is a gamble no matter what so went with this, figured at least it wouldn't have major manufacturing defect at the get-go and last at least 3 years or more.
Guy / company ignores all emails....and has glaringly bad google reviews:
Is radiator less the cooler. A radiator with two holes for the cooler.
One manufacturer sent me a cooler that goes inside the radiator. ? Are the radiator end clamp or solder?

I avoid eBay like the plague, and I strongly suggest every one else to as well. Little policing on listing descriptions, and the company doesn't hold sellers accountable to make good on poorly described offers.

I avoid eBay like the plague, and I strongly suggest every one else to as well. Little policing on listing descriptions, and the company doesn't hold sellers accountable to make good on poorly described offers.
I'm sort of the same. I have used eBay a few times with no issues. But you need to read the entire posting, review the seller, and search the company. I did just buy a set of repair manuals for the ST. The time before that was about 5-7 years ago.
