Explorer SiriusXM Stuck "Acquiring Signal" (Intermittent) 2018 Models | Page 14 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer SiriusXM Stuck "Acquiring Signal" (Intermittent) 2018 Models

I hope my new 18 doen't have this issue. Wonder if I should have it checked out first?

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I hope my new 18 doen't have this issue. Wonder if I should have it checked out first?
I don't think there is really anything to check. It either works or it doesn't. If it doesn't then they will replace the antenna but if it is working I doubt they would do anything since it is a TSB and not a Recall.


You're right. Nothing to check. Sirius is working great in the past few days.

I should have a copy of the TSB sometime tomorrow and will scan it and post to those interested. I'd be happy to send it to this forum for posting here if that's possible.

Wow. This has taken off since my last posts. I haven’t had any issues since mine just happened to start working one day.

I’d love to have a copy of the TSB though in the event it does go out.

I have the TSB, and I need an e-mail address to send it to.
You can post it here and I'll copy/update the current info.


You can post it here and I'll copy/update the current info.


It's in PDF format. Is there a way to upload it or is there a forum e-mail address?

I am beyond P....d off at Ford and my dealership with this issue. A copy of the TSB posted here would be fantastic! Thanks!

I am beyond P....d off at Ford and my dealership with this issue. A copy of the TSB posted here would be fantastic! Thanks!

Anyone who wants a TSB
copy start a conversation with me and shoot me your e-mail address. I will send it to you.

I am beyond P....d off at Ford and my dealership with this issue. A copy of the TSB posted here would be fantastic! Thanks!
Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Not sure why you're upset with the dealer. It was Ford's issue to rectify. Just take the vehicle in and have the dealer correct the problem as per the TSB that was issued.


It's in PDF format. Is there a way to upload it or is there a forum e-mail address?

I really don't know. I've never tried it but there must be a way since the order guides posted in the Forum are in PDF format. What is the TSB number?


I really don't know. I've never tried it but there must be a way since the order guides posted in the Forum are in PDF format. What is the TSB number?


Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Not sure why you're upset with the dealer. It was Ford's issue to rectify. Just take the vehicle in and have the dealer correct the problem as per the TSB that was issued.


The Service Manager at the dealership has given' me nothing but the run-around over this and another issue involving the Homelink visor. First and last purchase from them.

Anyone who wants a TSB
copy start a conversation with me and shoot me your e-mail address. I will send it to you.

I will take a copy of the TSB.... had the problem last year however, been good for last few months.... waiting for it to go out again. dgroeschel@me.com // Thanks TTPETE.

Courtesy of ttpete...thank you! This TSB applies to 2018 & 2019 Explorers built on/before 13 Nov 2018 with the 4G antenna.


  • TSB 18-2358 (Antenna Replacement).pdf
    143 KB · Views: 849

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I'm not having a problem with mine. But just curious, how do I know if I have a 4G TCU modem?
