EXPLORER SPORT EXTERIOR TRIM SOURCES | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elite Explorer
February 14, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
marietta ga
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 SPORT 2009 EXP EB
REF 1997 FORD EXPLORER SPORT 4X4, 4.0L. It appears FORD does not sell exterior trim pieces for this model any longer. Specifically, I am looking for a source for new old stock or aftermarket replacements for the black trim pieces that run from front fenders along the mid or 'belt' line area on the SPORT model doors. (Not Sport-Trac). Also, are these pieces glued onto the doors or are they bolted or push pin secured? Do the interior door panels have to be removed in order to rremove/install new ones. All the above said, any info on a source or a trick DIY replaement would be greatly appreciated!

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I don't have a definitive answer for you, but on my fender flares (same early half Explorers 95-97) these clips were used to hold them on, my guess would be Ford used the same / similar clips for the trim piece in between. Being I was removing flares permanently I aggressively "peeled" flares off working from one end to the other, flares separated from the clips, didn't break anywhere surprisingly, and then clips left in fenders with some play were easily depressed and removed with tiny flat head screwdriver. If your just wanting to replace them due to faded / scratched paint I would suggest hitting them with Rapture rattle can bedliner, turned out great for my D pillars. The alternative paying a paint shop over $2,000 to paint them on a 97 Explorer.... Being your trim/ paint scheme is already black should work out good...imo...
See pics:



Hears is the part number


Possible aftermarket source at much lower prices vs. Ford dealer. Ordered door panel clips and the quality was comparable to OEM.

Thanks for the excellent info! Now I need to find a source to purchase the OEM or Aftermarket mid door side trim for a 2 door 1997 SPORT. Tasca sells the ones for all 4 doors of the 4 door Explorers...not the SPORT. I will keep searching! THANKS MUCH!


For USED trim and body parts:
I sincerely appreciate the link to a source for quality used parts, but the trim piece I seek is plastic and would be at 24 to 28 years old 'used' at this date in time Chances are high there are few if any used ones that are any better than what I have. I did save your link for other parts. The door moldng piece I seek was not listed on that site. THANKS!

Are these just painted trim pieces?

Are yours warped, missing, or?

Are these just painted trim pieces?

Are yours warped, missing, or?
They are cracked, warped and non repairable! They do come painted to match exterior car colr. Mine are black. I am not sure of black is the basic material color vs painted or not. Thanks for your rapid reply!

I don't have a definitive answer for you, but on my fender flares (same early half Explorers 95-97) these clips were used to hold them on, my guess would be Ford used the same / similar clips for the trim piece in between. Being I was removing flares permanently I aggressively "peeled" flares off working from one end to the other, flares separated from the clips, didn't break anywhere surprisingly, and then clips left in fenders with some play were easily depressed and removed with tiny flat head screwdriver. If your just wanting to replace them due to faded / scratched paint I would suggest hitting them with Rapture rattle can bedliner, turned out great for my D pillars. The alternative paying a paint shop over $2,000 to paint them on a 97 Explorer.... Being your trim/ paint scheme is already black should work out good...imo...
See pics:

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View attachment 452156
Just to verify, is the FORD pn on the pak X001RRYZMZ? I cannot find it fordparts.com or any other source? THANKS!

Just to verify, is the FORD pn on the pak X001RRYZMZ? I cannot find it fordparts.com or any other source? THANKS!
Don't know, after looking at the picture it might be from ebay. I need to look at the bag again.

That’s an aftermarket part, so the number is not OEM Ford…

Don't know, after looking at the picture it might be from ebay. I need to look at the bag again.
When I first needed them. I could not location at ford. So I went to JY. There more newer Explorer than the 1995's. The EB clips on the newer models where different. I did fine one or two of them. My problem was, when my rocker rusted out I lost the clip.

Yes, on page 26 of the compatibility info of the link, it list the 1997 Ford Explorer 2 Door Sport Models! I ordered them! THANKS!
