EYE TEST!! TAKE THIS! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i got 6, but while reading, i was searching for the f's.....

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Okay, I dont want to sound like a pompas jerk, but I am used to these tricks, and if you look at the letters and not the whole word.
When I get home from school I'll pick up a Berkeley @ Cali one that will blow your mind.

i counted 3 the first time, but i knew it was wrong. i am suprised that there was six, that was pretty cool. here is another vision test if anyone is interested. this one is pretty neat, i scored an 80. looks like i need glasses.

Fred, very creative.

Wow it took me a couple of times to get six lol that was really neat. Hey what to you now i hit 100!!!! lol


i got 3 the first time

damn that vision test!!! :D

weird, even though i already knew.

i counted 4-thats pretty crazy!

i got six the frist try. the key to these "count the number of letters" is to do it backwards. you will read the word "of" as "ov" and skip it otherwise.

I got 6 the first try, but I was looking at each letter, knowing that it would be tricky some how....just like below:

I went to the store to get the
the milk and cookies for Santa because he
he was coming over Christmas eve.

Read that aloud....

I'm with the dummies only got 3.....well I WAS feeling good about myself....

Only got 3 when I saw this in an e-mail a few months ago, but I got them all this time.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

Maybe im Dumb but i only see 5 Fs Ive been looking for the past 5 minutes and i cant see the 6th... there are 2 Fs in the first to words and then 3 "of" what an i missing?

Bah I just looked again there's an F in scientific! :)

Originally posted by Crankcase
I got 6 the first try, but I was looking at each letter, knowing that it would be tricky some how....just like below:

I went to the store to get the
the milk and cookies for Santa because he
he was coming over Christmas eve.

Read that aloud....

There are two hes.. one at the end of the 2nd line and one at the beginning of the 3rd. :)

There are two the's also, end of the first line, start of the second...

Originally posted by Crankcase
I got 6 the first try, but I was looking at each letter, knowing that it would be tricky some how....just like below:

I went to the store to get the
the milk and cookies for Santa because he
he was coming over Christmas eve.

Read that aloud....

For anyone that used to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K):

My favorite movie of all time was:

Attack of the
the Eye Creatures

"They just didn't care"

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damn that is cool....i feel dumber tho
