Finially got decent pics... | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Finially got decent pics...

Well I finially got a lot of stuff done over thanksgiving break. Finially got rims, as seen on Tommy98016's Saleen and expo5.0's ex. Also tail covers made by expo5.0. Tinted the tail lights, painted the calipers and anti-sway bars, and painted the tail light covers.

Mods shown:

18" Saleen rims w/ Yokohama AVS S/T tires

Explorer Express anti-sway bars.

Painted calipers

Custom tail covers w/ tinted tails.

Clear corners.


-Should I remove the pinstripe?

-Should I paint front+rear bumpres & the side moldings white?

-Should I remove the side moldings?
(maybe some photoshop gurus could gimme examples?)

Here are pics of what a 1995 stock limited explorer looks like, minus the white tail wing (I think I'm going to get one of those though :p )

Please excuse the fact that they were taken at night... tonight was the first time I had access to a good digital camera since I put everything on.

Over xmas break I plan on dropping it 1-2" pending successful tweaking of the Air Ride Control system.;) ;)


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Alright.... new pics thanks to /99sport/.... 1st one is lowered w/ shaved handles and all white trim. 2nd one is just all white trim... what you all think? As per 99sport's directions... stand 5 feet back when you look 'em.



I dont think i'll ever do the shaving.. $$$... but it is always nice to dream

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Looks like a nice truck...

...for me to POOP on. :D:D:D JK looks sharp

Hydroxy.....first off, looks sweet. I'm jealous

Tell me, where did you get the rims and for how much?

Originally posted by hydroxy
As per 99sport's directions... stand 5 feet back when you look 'em.

I didn't spend a whole lot of time on them, but once you are far enough away, the trim looks the same white color. :D

i say paint the trim white...and don't shave it

Needs to be lowered a little bit more I think. Get rid of the pin strips. Other than that it looks sweet. Good job.

IMO the trim is what makes limiteds stand out, as well as pinstriping. Here's my .02

Drop it...
Maybe shave it....depends how much money it will cost
Keep the flaps original color...
Then......give me the wheels free of charge!

Even though I shaved the doors, I don't think it is a good idea. I find it impractical.

ok, well here is what is NOT going to happen (probably)...

A. I want to keep the trim - not a lot of explorer's have it, I am always looking for ways to be different.

B. I am not going to shave it, that would just be way more then I need and more money then I'm willing to waste (famous last words)

C. I'm still on the wall about painting everything white. I dont want it to be too plain.... Although I could just go for the pure white look and paint everything white that I could get my hands on...

D. I'm 90% sure I'm going to remove my pinstripe, I just am not sure if it will make it look too plain...

Also, I think I need to get a picture during the day and photoshop that to see exactly how it will all look together.

Would painting all the Ford logos to have a white background be good? Arg - I just dont want it to be too plain.

As for the rims... I got them from here:

$605 shipped... you can get about $50 cheaper from eBay from the same dealer.

As for lowering it more I'm only going to go for about a 1-1.5" in the front and 1" blocks in the rear. I still want to have some clearence... and not have to go up ramps at angle or go over speed bumps at 3 mph.

EDIT: sorry if I said plain 50 times... I'm just worried about that... heh


how lowered it that first pic the 99 sport did for ya?? that looks like a good height

I tihnk it will look good when you get it all done no matter what ya do.(already it looks good)

I think the second pic looks better, not lowered, or the shaved handles... and for everyone else...



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So i have a limited, but it's pearlescent instead of white. I like the wheels and i just looked at that site. Great prices...Which of the colors does everyone think would go the best w/ my paint color?

White, Silver? Honestly chrome is too expensive for me, and black would be just wrong.

you're not talking about the offwhite that I have, are you?

Originally posted by hydroxy
you're not talking about the offwhite that I have, are you?

Ya, i didn't know exactly what shade of white that your explorer is.

If you're talking about the wheels being off-white that you have. Then yes to that one too.

Whatever....ya :hammer:

oops... shoulda clearified - my truck is offwhite, the wheels are white.

You truck is kinda barely pinkish?

Originally posted by hydroxy
oops... shoulda clearified - my truck is offwhite, the wheels are white.

You truck is kinda barely pinkish?

Hell Come on now.....j/k

Okay the actual term is pearlescent w/ an ivory base. Which creates a tan color w/ a sparkle sort of. It gets mistaken for white sometimes from a distance.

I almost think that white would look good on mine. But silver would too. What do you think?

haha I know what color you're talking about... expo 5.0 accidently painted my tails that color when I got them from him... I dunno, I think the silver might look good... if you have pics maybe we could get someone to photoshop mine or expo5.0's rims onto yours and see how they look ...

These tails, SHOULD be your ex... they are sitting on the hood of my ex after the paint shop gave expo5.0 the wrong colors.


Ya, pretty close i guess. They look a little too golden, but close. Add some more white to that and that's me. It's paint code HA if that helps.

I don't have a digital camera, but i can see what i can do. Someone i know surely has one.

So was that a no for the white ones?

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well the camera I took that with wasn't exactly the best... if it is *Close* to your color, that is good. As for the rims, I'm on the wall about how white would look. It would either look really crisp or kinda tacky. I think it would look more crisp then anything else though.
