For those who go off road out west on BLM land | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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For those who go off road out west on BLM land


Elite Explorer
March 23, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Eau Claire WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Explorer XLT4x4 SOHC
Several trails would be turned into subdivisions.

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Several trails would be turned into subdivisions.

Comments are invited:

Sadly that's the world, it's all slowly disappearing because we're multiplying too fast. I dang well hope they can make their point out there and keep it how it is! Too far for me to get out there

Sadly that's the world, it's all slowly disappearing because we're multiplying too fast. I dang well hope they can make their point out there and keep it how it is! Too far for me to get out there
For sure, the comments to the BLM website are requested - to let BLM know people care about keeping the trails. Which is why I posted it. (I doubt I'll get out west any time soon myself!)

Doesn't look like a good place for a subdivision either, depending on where will they get water, etc.

For sure, the comments to the BLM website are requested - to let BLM know people care about keeping the trails. Which is why I posted it. (I doubt I'll get out west any time soon myself!)

Doesn't look like a good place for a subdivision either, depending on where will they get water, etc.
The more support the better for sure! I do agree, not the best place for it

No amount of off roading dollars can compete with a few hundred houses paying property taxes. Beautiful place to visit, people want to stay, and there ya have it.
