full center with rear air? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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full center with rear air?


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2006
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City, State
Philadelphia PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT V8
how hard would it be to install a full center consol with rear air i just have the normal one now on my 95 xlt i have the space between the consol and the dash it stops at the cup holders.

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no one knows anything about this?

As far as heat goes, it wouldn't be that bad. Just run the duct from the vent under your seats for your feet to the vents in your console. I would cut the vents out with a dremil tool. The A/C may not be all the cold because I don't think you can cut the "Max A/C" option on and it blow the dash and the floor.

My dad did this with his 96.
We got the console from the junk yard.

We had to cut a hole in the duct at the bottom of the dash so it would line up with the duct in the new console. The brackets were already in the the explorer for the new console. Had to run a power wire to for the rear fan.

The radio controls do not work and I havent attempted that yet.

But I have lots of air flow to the rear upper and lower vents.

Hi, there.

I'm doing this mod in my 98 XLT.

I took off the old center console and the plastic duct at the bottom of the dash and tried the new one. Fits but notice that the mounting fix bolts (the rear one) are not the same - looks like its need a hardware thing - a kind of mounting plate I guess.

Next weekend I'll work on the wires and let you know about it. :salute:
