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Gilmer, TX 4-24-04

Is there a flaw in that video? I can't seem to get it to work with anything, even my DivX player. Sound works fine, just the video part is basically stopped.

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EBInterceptor said:
Is there a flaw in that video? I can't seem to get it to work with anything, even my DivX player. Sound works fine, just the video part is basically stopped.
Many people had already downloaded from my server last night and it worked for them. Did you try Jefe's scaled down version??

EBInterceptor said:
Is there a flaw in that video? I can't seem to get it to work with anything, even my DivX player. Sound works fine, just the video part is basically stopped.
DivX :shoot: :fire:

It ran fine on my machine at work (the one I encoded it on), but it doesn't work on any of my home machines :banghead:

EDIT: It apears that you need DivX 5.1.1 (the newest release) for either video to work correctly. However, on my machines when I tried to install 5.1.1 over 5.0.2 it would crash. So I had to uninstall the older version, restart, and then install the latest version.

I downloaded DivX and it worked great. LOL at the whole video. And BTW, whats the friggin deal with the Civic motor sound over my wonderful Windsor on the little muddy hillclimb???

good video john. next time it has to be a dry run.

james t said:
And BTW, whats the friggin deal with the Civic motor sound over my wonderful Windsor on the little muddy hillclimb???
Huh??? That wasn't the sound of the Lime Bronco? How could that be. Hmmmmm. :D

james t said:
And BTW, whats the friggin deal with the Civic motor sound over my wonderful Windsor on the little muddy hillclimb???

Posted in another thread, but i also post it here.....

heres the REAL pic yall didnt see


ok I mailed em today the video's that is, hope you like em, I tried editing them so that there is no idle time.

List that went out Swak, SVO, Johnstone, James, Brian, Wanna be, Bob.

You'll see em soon, and don't worry about the postage ya'll its alright. ;)

Great video.....

Hey JamesT.... Just think what the Bronc. will sound like when the T-66 turbo gets here..... I picked up the flame throwing stainless exhaust tips

sureshot40sw said:
Great video.....

Hey JamesT.... Just think what the Bronc. will sound like when the T-66 turbo gets here..... I picked up the flame throwing stainless exhaust tips

Is Sureshot Phil?

Rick said:
Is Sureshot Phil?

10-4.....You gotta quit posting pics. of AZ... Makes me wanna go back even worse...

sureshot40sw said:
10-4.....You gotta quit posting pics. of AZ... Makes me wanna go back even worse...

AZ rocks!

I would move there if I could!

Jefe said:
DivX :shoot: :fire:

It ran fine on my machine at work (the one I encoded it on), but it doesn't work on any of my home machines :banghead:

EDIT: It apears that you need DivX 5.1.1 (the newest release) for either video to work correctly. However, on my machines when I tried to install 5.1.1 over 5.0.2 it would crash. So I had to uninstall the older version, restart, and then install the latest version.

I got it to work shortly afterwards, forgot to put up an update. Just had to get those updates that I keep skipping over whenever I try to play something. It worked. Nice video.

its confermed nomatter what im doing im going to go to the next gilmer run. even if i have to take the fiero and ride with somebody im going...hell i might even lift it and take it....naw ill stick with just the explorer.. james was phil with u when u rolled.

zavaral said:
its confermed nomatter what im doing im going to go to the next gilmer run. even if i have to take the fiero and ride with somebody im going...hell i might even lift it and take it....naw ill stick with just the explorer.. james was phil with u when u rolled.

Hell naw... I saw it coming..... hehehe

Trckmagik said:
Plus my friends like distruction (Sawzaws, Drills, Dremmels, Grinders, Cutting wheels, etc)

Dead Link Removed

Johnstone, you cancel on Moab? That sux. :(

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AspenX said:
Johnstone, you cancel on Moab? That sux. :(

Is it because we broke your cv joint on the night run? :p fix it and keep on truckin!!!!!!!
