Heat works but won’t blow hot through defrost | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Heat works but won’t blow hot through defrost


New Member
March 18, 2017
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Athens, Al
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLS
2002 Ford Explorer xls. I’ve done the fresh air door fix. Replaced the air plenum box behind radio with the 3 blend doors. A/C and heat works but heat won’t blow out defrost but everywhere else. Only blows cold air out defrost no matter what setting. Any ideas?

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Actuator arm broken. Fixed mine this past summer.

Thanks!! I know that top arm on left side is not working right (defrost)Which bummed me out because I’ve already had the dash out twice. What was he saying about the bump stops? I didn’t understand what he did. I understood what he said.

I made the video. Basically about the arm stop, there really isn't any stop after the actuator already has pulled the arm. Without one, the arm still has a lot of force constantly on it. I drilled the metal actuators and simply cut a long screw and put jam nuts on to keep it centered so it will act as a stop. You need to drill for the stop in an area just before the plastic arm is stressed.
Hope this answers the question. Oh yea, the broken arm that moves the internal flapper I simply used superglue and a small wood screw to resecure it. Hey, it still works.

I have a couple pics of it to better explain the stop.

I have a couple pics of it to better explain the stop. My cell is 607341 one four three seven. Txt my if u want me to send them

AWSOME!!! Yes helps a lot. Luckily these dashes aren’t too bad to get out. I can have it out in about 30-40 Mins now lol. It’s starting to get cool now and last night sucked driving home. Blowing cold air out defrost and vents but hot air out floor!

Thays why I knew I'd have to deal with it before it got cold out.
