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Help identifying a part

February 9, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Turlock Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 Ford Explorer 4.0
Hi having issues still with my 95 Explorer 4.0 pushrod truck.
Can someone please help me identify the part I have circled in the picture and also tell me if the black button type thing is supposed to spin?

Issue is check engine is still on, and vehicle randomly dies while driving. All power is lost. I'm slowly working my way through all the issues.
We don't have a code reader that works on my vehicle so I'm doing my best right now.


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Iac or idle air control valve

The black cap is a vent to atmosphere and yes it is supposed to spin

You need to check the codes the check engine light (cel) is likely telling you what the problem is
Aside from that from what you describe it sounds like a fuel issue
I would check fuel pressure especially when it gets hot and dies

What year is the truck? 91-95 the codes are checked with a paper clip 96-01 they are obd2 and a simple scanner will work

Iac or idle air control valve

The black cap is a vent to atmosphere and yes it is supposed to spin

I would check fuel pressure especially when it gets hot and dies
Thank you very much!

Iac or idle air control valve

The black cap is a vent to atmosphere and yes it is supposed to spin

You need to check the codes the check engine light (cel) is likely telling you what the problem is
Aside from that from what you describe it sounds like a fuel issue
I would check fuel pressure especially when it gets hot and dies

What year is the truck? 91-95 the codes are checked with a paper clip 96-01 they are obd2 and a simple scanner will work
It's a 95

Issue is check engine is still on, and vehicle randomly dies while driving. All power is lost.
Checking the codes is definitely something to do, but if you have power loss issues, you could also get phantom (false) codes, and of course if no power to the fuel pump, no fuel pressure.

Check the obvious things first such as battery terminal corrosion and a good cable ground. You might also inspect the bulk wire harness connectors up near the firewall.

When this happens, does it fire right back up or do you have time to do some testing even if side of the road with a multimeter? It would be useful to know exactly what does and doesn't keep working if "all" doesn't really mean "all", and where the power is interrupted. It might be helpful to have some wiring diagrams. There are some for 2nd gen in my sig below but I'm not sure if all are as applicable to a '95.

The IAC valve in your pic has nothing to do with the issue.

Brand new battery, connectors have been cleaned.
When the car dies everything turns off. I can't even steer to get to the side of the road. I hit the brakes and put it in park then restart it. It fires right back up.

I took video of the codes but I honestly can't figure out what codes it's throwing at me. And it's too big of a file to attach.
We ordered a code reader so when that gets here I'll just have to see.

Everything means the engine and trans
Or everything means the dash? )all the lights and gauges)

If the engine is cutting out dead then I suspect the eec relay or fuel pump relay

If you lose the whole dash then it is an electrical connection usually at battery cables or fuse

The engine, the dash lights, the steering.
Tran is automatic but I can still put it in park and start it up.
