How much weight will a set of Cobra R Rims hold; PLEASE ADVISE!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How much weight will a set of Cobra R Rims hold; PLEASE ADVISE!!


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August 28, 2000
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Calgary, AB, Canada
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2002 Jetta GLX VR6
Hey people, does anybody know if those Cobra R Rims everybody loves will hold my Explorer with four guys in it including myself while pulling a trailer with two ATV's? I am thinking no, but I want to hear what the PRO'S have to say about it!! I look forward to reading all of your replies.





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Yo Peter,
I'm gonna move this over to the Sport Truck forum, they've talked a good bit about the Cobra R rims and they'll probably know.

My truck is over 4000 lbs. I have loaded my truck with six passengers with a combined weight of 720 lbs plus three luggages with an approximate combined weight of 350 lbs. This was on a 300-mile trip (San Francisco, CA to Reno, NV). The rims held up.

I am running Cobra R's with 31x1150x17 Mickey Thoompson Baja Belted Radials. I deliver furniture and other goods during the weekends in the Explorer and a loaded down 16 foot trailer, and have yet to have any problems with them.

I have the chrome Cobra R's and with four people and a loaded enclosed 2 place snowmobile trailer- never had a problem- LOVE THEM-

good luck

you wont have a prob with them. I have pulled many of large trailers with my 2001 and cobra rims and have had no problem.

Cobra R rims

I have towed a 25 foot boat full of gas, supplies, fish, Ice, bait, and 5 people with a combined weight of 1220 pounds in passengers on a trip of 70 miles with no problems eccept for the boat trailer got a little shaky at 80 mph. I really don't think you will ever have a problem.

Hmm, well, I guess I will look into purchasing a pair! What online store do you guys recommend; good price, good value, great service? Any websites that you know about with all of those features? Look forward to reading your replies!




Lets see... I had 5 passangers, a dog. some luggage. A full tank of gas, a spare tire, some cheetos, a trailer, a boat, half of a mobile house with one of those pick-up trucks driving behind me with the flashing yellow light the crossed orange flags and a wide load sign, the furniture inside the half house, 10 bags of cement, some lumber, 3 yaks and a stuff Taco Bell dog that says "Rrrroooow!" when you squeeze it.


I don't know, I love the Cobra R Rims, but I am so damn worried about how much weight they can hold! I wonder if I were to contact Ford, if they would tell me how much weight these rims could hold.

TROLL how come some of your photos on your website show your Explorer with different rims than the Cobra R Rims on the front wheels? And will four wheel drive still work the same with these Cobra R Rims?

I appreciate all of your replies, I look forward to reading more of them.




Why not get those lightning rims the show there... it seems to look like the Cobra R rim, but a tad thicker.


Mudd***** - Did you have any problems fitting those rims on with the hubs?

Well I think my thoughts regarding "Cobra R Rims" is starting to come to a close. I really like those "SVT Lightning" rims off those awesome Ford F-150 Lightning’s trucks, and after reading about MuddWhores problems with his Cobra R Rims I think my mind is made up. I am going to look around for the best possible price, online or at a retail store.




Last I knew the bolt pattern on the explorer is not the same as any other Ford truck. Mustang,Windstar & Explorer are the same. Its a 5" X 4.5" pattern.

Sucks...I know.

Check They have a fittment guide in their "Specs" section.

[Edited by Bill Kemp on 01-17-2001 at 12:29 PM]

Cobra R rims

I have a set of cobra R rims on my 93 explorer. The Lug pattern is the same but they dont fit properly because of the lip on the inside where the brake is. You have to get spacers in order for the wheels to fit on properly. Also for the back tires you have to get spacers because of the E-brake line. the line runs too close to the wheel and will rub against the tire which is not safe at all. I love the cobra r rims and i have never had a problem with them. i am a daily driver and i get nothing but compliments on how good they look. good luck.

Mr Steeda

93 Explorer, White, 5 Speed, Centerforce Dual Friction Clutch, Cobra R Rims, Falken Tires, Super Chip, 100 Shot NOS, MAC Shorty Headers, FlowMaster Exhaust No Cats 3 1/2" Tips, 4:10 Gears

Mr Steeda - Do you have 4 wheel drive? and if so did u have a problem fitting the Cobra-R's on with the hubs?
