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How to: Greasing wheel hub step by step tutorial


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March 13, 2015
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1996 Ford Explorer OHV
How to: Greasing wheel hub step by step tutorial

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I thought you had already made a video about greasing the hubs, but do I see something new? It looks like you took an old ABS sensor and bored out the middle of it, to make an adapter for your grease gun? Did you find that the grease wouldn't go in without the adapter?

I would have expected that the grease would have still gone in easily without it, and yet I have never tried because when my '98 hubs wore out, I just replaced them, and would probably do the same next time (except there probably won't be a next time, I expect the replacement hubs to last longer than the rest of the vehicle) because I could not get my ABS sensors out without the sensors breaking, due to being seized in by rust.

I thought you had already made a video about greasing the hubs, but do I see something new? It looks like you took an old ABS sensor and bored out the middle of it, to make an adapter for your grease gun? Did you find that the grease wouldn't go in without the adapter?

I would have expected that the grease would have still gone in easily without it, and yet I have never tried because when my '98 hubs wore out, I just replaced them, and would probably do the same next time (except there probably won't be a next time, I expect the replacement hubs to last longer than the rest of the vehicle) because I could not get my ABS sensors out without the sensors breaking, due to being seized in by rust.
I made a short vid and this time recorded full process. This adapter I made is for easy use. Grease should be really pressed there. If you do this procedure once a year or two - your hubs will last forever.

Cober, I couldn’t really see—where did the old grease come out? On the back side of the hub?

^ I don't think he is getting any old grease out, just packing the entire cavity of the hub with grease. The bearings are (at least) externally sealed so the only way for the grease to come out would be to blow the seal?

Cam sealed bearings have grease pressed into them?

Someday, please pull the hub so we can see the regreased bearing.

^ I don't think he is getting any old grease out, just packing the entire cavity of the hub with grease. The bearings are (at least) externally sealed so the only way for the grease to come out would be to blow the seal?
no it ain't... some grease came out - you will notice if you watch the video real hard)

Cam sealed bearings have grease pressed into them?

Someday, please pull the hub so we can see the regreased bearing.
I will do it the moment it fails, but probably it will never happen

I’m very interested in this.

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