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Info: Serious Explorations Glossary


Well-Known Member
March 23, 2005
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City, State
Hesperia/Victorville, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLS
I decided to make a glossary of all the "slang" being thrown around on this site. I know when i first got her, it took me a long time to realize what you guys were talking about. Hopefully this will help out the people that are just as mechanically unlearned as i am. If i forgot anything please add it.

1st gen - 1991-1994 Explorers

2nd gen - 1995-2001

3rd gen - 2002 - 2005

4th gen - 2006 - 2010

5th gen - 2011+

IFS - Independent Front Suspension

SAS - Solid Axle Swap. Replacing the IFS suspension on a newer truck with much stronger and durable strait axle. Articulates far more as well.

SOA - Spring over axle

Locker - Carrier in axle where both wheels recieve equal amounts of power all the time.

TT - Torsion twist. Tightening or loosening the torsion bolts resulting in raising or lowering your explorer.

Suspension Lift - Increasing height of a vehicle by dropping suspension components down from stock location.

BL - Body Lift. Putting spacers between the body and the frame.

AAL - Add a leaf

OEM - original equipment manufacturer

Shackles - Used to connect your leaf springs to the frame of your vehicle. Gives you added height in the rear ( usually used with TT)

GB - Group buy.

PA - Performance Accessories (www.performanceaccessories.com)

HID - High intensity discharge. The really bright lights you see on cars that almost cause you to swerve off the road. :p

BFG - BFGoodrich tires. Combined with:

MT - Mud terrain, or

A/T - All terrain

hope this helps

edit: i know this isnt a previous thread, but it seemed to fit here best

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Well done. Wish this was around when I joined 9 months ago. :thumbsup:

MAF = Mass Air Flow (sensor)
IAC = Idle Air Control
ECU = Car Computer hahah forgot what it stands for exactly

BTW-by the way great idea

WTB = Wanted (err ing?) to buy???
FS = For sale?

im unsure of WTB, i keep forgetting when i figure it out..

WTB = want to by

NOS = Nawwwws

FMS = Ford Motorsports

SoCo = Southern Comfort (100 proof or nothin)

Robb said:
A glossary?

well yeah... a dictionary is alphebetical with pronunciation and other crap. a glossary... well ...isnt.

edit: maybe we can get a moderator to compine all meanings from both threads and make it a sticky?

IIRC = "If I Remember Correctly"

I think ;) I had to google it because I had no idea what it meant 2 minutes ago.

IC -Instant Center (The instant center is the intersection of the LCP and a line drawn from the rear tire contact patch as viewed from the side.)

IC Height -Instant Center Height (measured from ground to I.C.)

IC Position -Instant Center Position (measured from center of rear axle forward to I.C.)

LCP -Link Convergence Point (The intersection of lines drawn from the top and bottom links as viewed from the side.)

-Roll Center (The roll centre is the point that the body wants to rotate about on the axle or the point that the axle supports the body laterally)

-Roll Axis (The line drawn through the two L.C.P’s is the roll axis.)

COG/CG -Center of Gravity (top bolt of your bell housing is a general rule of thumb)

WB -Wheelbase (center of rear tire to center of front tire)

AS -Anti-Squat % (COG Height * IC Position)/(WB*IC Height)

C/O -Coilover shock

This all has to do with double triangulated 4-link suspensions and will have no meaning for 95% of people here. :confused: :D But I've been doing alot of research lately. ;)

Oh, and one for the supporters of the site:

EE - Explorer Express

Already been done before. CLICK

xxScapegoat said:
maybe we can get a moderator to compine all meanings from both threads and make it a sticky?

Robb is a moderator! Represents VA very well!


I just moved this thread to Under the Hood and Drivelines where it can be posted to.

IMO-Im my opinio
IMHO- In my humbe opinion
Those really confused me when i joined

ExplorerDMB said:
Robb is a moderator! Represents VA very well!


Ah, I mock the word represent:
Repa'sent! Repa'SENT! :p

PCM = Powertrain Control Module (aka computer)
HCU = hydraulic control unit (re: brakes)
Hootus = see the other dictionary thread haha

yea what beau said soco and mountain dew lol good

what do they mean when they refer to their truck as " my x " or "x" is that just short for xlt? or is that a generation?

...X as in Project X or just my X is a short way to type out = Explorer...:D
...if you type ex, people think ex vehicle, g.f., etc...;)

I thought that was the case but wanted to make sure. Thanks for not making this NOOB sound like an idiot. :D I have found this site to be most helpfull I've never done a build up of a ford before. so I am just getting down the lingo and searching out parts. This site has it all if you take the time to look :thumbsup:

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EB= Early Bronco or Eddie Bauer depending on usage.

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