LED LIGHTS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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October 19, 2007
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2001 Exployer Sport Trac
I had one of my LED light bulbs burn out after many many years of use. I was just wandering what everyone is using today? It's for a 2001 sport trac and I just installed new headlight assemblies. So what do you guys recommend?

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Use the street legal incandescent bulbs that the housing was designed for. If it is instead an aftermarket housing specifically designed for a particular LED bulb, then you *need* to use that bulb design. Same socket/form-factor isn't enough due to the differences in beam pattern since LED bulbs can't be a 360' single spot point of light.

Use the street legal incandescent bulbs that the housing was designed for. If it is instead an aftermarket housing specifically designed for a particular LED bulb, then you *need* to use that bulb design. Same socket/form-factor isn't enough due to the differences in beam pattern since LED bulbs can't be a 360' single spot point of light.
Yes stock headlight assemblies. I might just put my Sylvania bulbs back in.

So with all.the people here with sport tracs and I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that has used LED headlight bulbs 🙄
I guess I will let this post soak for awhile longer to see if anymore replies!

Well there are several choices on Rock Auto, noting that none are LED... The Hella 9007P50 are under $10 delivered for a pair.

