Levittown Ford Super Center EF Vendor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Levittown Ford Super Center EF Vendor


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST

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Thanks Rick,

As posted in an alternate section here is some info about us

We would like to introduce ourselves here as a new proud sponsoring vendor. We are somewhat new to the Ford line but have been authorized dealers for Jeep,Chrysler,Dodge and Subaru for well over 10 years.

We currently run online stores for the other brands and are now pleased to announce our newest: FordSuperCenter.com where we are able to offer Genuine Ford Repair parts and Accessories at up to 30% less than your local dealer shipped right to your door. A few other key notes about us are:

  • We have an Available shipping cost calculator for Accessories, So you know the total before checkout
  • All Parts & Accessories carry a 1-year warranty
  • We check all repair parts orders against the provided VIN to ensure accuracy
  • If you cannot find specific items within our catalog we are always available to provide part numbers for you
We thank you for your time and look forward to a life long membership here!

Welcome aboard Benny! :salute:

Wow how time flies! 4 years later and we are still so thrilled to be a part of this community!

Cheers to many more wonderful years :thumbsup:


Time sure does fly, Benny. I can't believe I've been at this forum for 20 years now:eek:

Bumping this thread back up :D

Thank you Rick,

Please let us know if we can help with any Genuine Ford Accessories or Replacement parts. We have exclusive forum members only coupon codes available as well!


Do you stock parts for older model Ford vehicles or just for 10 year old or newer models?

We can get any Ford part as long as its in production and not discontinued. Please feel free to message me with details.


We can get any Ford part as long as its in production and not discontinued. Please feel free to message me with details.

I just wanted to say thanks for being out there. I've helped a couple friends order parts from Levittown Ford when they didn't want to pay the MSRP+ that the local dealers want.

I also wanted to say thanks for helping get spare tire kit available for the newer mustangs with the Performance Package. I saw the threads (different forum) where you were involved in making it happen and once I saw it was available we changed our minds and ordered a 2019 with the Performance Package. We actually have the spare tire kit sitting at the house waiting for Ford to deliver our new car.


Hi Mark,

Glad we can help whenever possible and thank you for the kind feedback. If there is anything I can assist with please feel free to message me directly.

