lift kits for 01 sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lift kits for 01 sport?


September 25, 2005
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san diego, ca
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what lift kit would you use for a 01 sport? i know of ranger kits being used, but what kit is it? i want to do a 2.5 inch lift for the front? does the ranger spindle kit work? if so which one? thanks

ya the ranger spindle kit will work as long as you're not 4wd and it's the ranger edge spindle...and not to be technical but the lift will be more like 3-3.5" rather than 2.5. As far as kits being made: Pro Comp, Fabtech, Dixon Brothers, Camburg(use the search feature on the'll find what you're lookin for)
EDIT: if you are looking for only 2.5" you can do a Torrsion Twist(search) but i would recommend going the spindle route.

alright thanks. if i do the spindle do you think 31's would be too small of a tire? i know my friend has a spindle lift on a 4 door and he is running 32's. because i just bought some new 31's and rims.

no it should be comp recommends a 31" tire with the spindle kit but i ran 33's with spindles and about a 1" torrsion twist...but 31's will look fine, and if you don't like the look then sell 'em and just buy somethin bigger..
