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Maintenance advice - fuel injectors


Well-Known Member
January 13, 2014
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2000 X AWD EB 5L
Looking for some advice from some seasoned vets here. I have 2 Ex's I plan on keeping running for a while. I replaced the fuel injectors on my Cougar a few years back and was pleased with the results, I rebuilt the ones I pulled and they sit on the shelf. So I've thought about replacing the injectors on my Ex's; It's a much bigger job as I need to remove the intake, thus replace intake gaskets, etc. Is it worth the effort? My biggest concern is creating a problem by opening stuff up where a problem does not exist already. I'm sure there is some wear on those injectors and they could benefit from a thorough cleaning. Thoughts??

2000 Ex EB AWD v8 ~180k
2000 Ex 4x4 v6 OHV ~ 250K

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those gaskets may already be starting to leak. What are your fuel trims showing?

When it comes to injectors, I'm a less is more kinda guy—and this is coming from a champion of preventative maintenance.

If the truck is running well, I’d run them…esp on that V8. That’s fairly low mileage.

The issue that I’ve found is that new, quality injectors aren’t cheap, so guys go with eBay ‘refurbished’ injectors. What defines a refurb? Who knows. I’ve heard a lot of people on here talking about installing refurbs with 1-2 DOA…and then you get to do the job over again.

Me, I have 340k on my original injectors for my SOHC. I’d like to replace them…the truck runs fine, but I’m sure fresh injectors would smooth out the idle and such. But…I don’t know how I feel about refurbished ones, and I don’t want to shell out for factory new.

Decisions decisions

I bought "rebuild Kits" basically a filter & gaskets. Then a plastic adapter to place on top of a can of carb cleaner with a battery and push button to exercise the injector, rebuilding my own. I did find at least 1 leaky injector. I do remember a few that began to respond better exercising them a few times. These are in reference to the ones I pulled from my Cougar.

Makes sense.

With no engine problems, I'd just dump a jug of Techron into the gas tank every now and then, wait until there's a problem to dig into doing their replacement or further cleaning.

You certainly can cause new problems by disturbing old wiring, connectors, rubber and plastic, rusted metal lines, etc.

the 4.0 I would for sure do intake o rings and reman the injectors. A bench test and clean with rebuild parts and new o rings will work, or you can buy a set of flow matched reman injectors and just install them. Check sellers ratings carefully

Your 4.0 likely needs intake plenum o rings and a new egr gasket anyways, great time to do the fuel rail

I would also consider replacing the lower intake and valve co ver gaskets in a 4.0 w quarter of a million miles

Also consider new 02 sensors, after 250k miles they are lazy

With no engine problems, I'd just dump a jug of Techron into the gas tank every now and then, wait until there's a problem to dig into doing their replacement or further cleaning.

You certainly can cause new problems by disturbing old wiring, connectors, rubber and plastic, rusted metal lines, etc.
That has been my biggest concern, the valve cover gaskets are leaking on the 4.0. I need to datalog both of these and check out fuel trims, etc.
Thanks for all the feedback and advice.

I need to datalog both of these and check out fuel trims, etc.
Thanks for all the feedback and advice.
Hmmm. Someone datalogging. Care to share more?

Hmmm. Someone datalogging. Care to share more?
Are you asking about how? Why? What I use? I can share alot, just not sure what's pertinent.

@Kidd7 Several people here are talking behind the scene about real time tuning using the Moates Quarterhorse device along with TunerPro RT software. In a few weeks I can start a thread in a more appropriate category.

I use the Torque app on an old android tablet, mainly for troubleshooting. I've not gotten into tuning yet. There is some good info on tuning over at BirdCats
Mainly XCal on the Ford 4.6.

Coming back to this, I had forgotten about it then had to replace the fuel pump on my v8.
For the 4.0 the fuel trims are in the mid 20s
The 5.0 the fuel trims around +6

Mid 20s…you have a vac leak and/or low fuel press

I'll be adding this on my to do list...

I've not taken the intake off on a 4.0 OHV engine before, would this include all the gaskets I need? Or are there more required to address the vac leak and general maintianance at 250k? thanks.


That set covers the lower Intake valve covers and upper intake
You will still want a egr o ring and 8 new injector o rings
The intake on the pushrod 4.0 is very straight forward. The hardest part is getting the plastic manifold over and off the egr pipe, it has a hook on the end.
Otherwise this is a half day job working slowly and clean

The valve covers and lower intake require some permatex at the corners, the valve covers require a little where they cross over the heads

EGR gasket, as in below picture? 8 injector O-rings, its v6 so shouldn't I need 12 o-rings? Not nit picking, just trying to clarify.

Also, would a v8 fan work on the 4.0 OHV engine? They are different part numbers on rockauto and looks like 1 less blade. I ask because I have an extra v8 fan laying around, this plastic tends to dry up and crack.


I’m not sure if v8 fan will fit! It would have to
Bolt to the v6 fan clutch as the v8 and v6 clutches are different

Yes 12 o rings sorry it was early, new reman injectors will come w new rings

The egr o ring is large and green, the gasket you show is where the egr tube bolts to the egr header tube. The ring I’m speaking of goes around the egr tube where it enters the plastic intake. I’ll post a part number

Felpro 71202

FEL-PRO 71202 EGR/Exhaust Air Supply Gasket

As a point of information for anyone that comes by this thread in the future; the green EGR O-ring was provided in the kit.

I completed this job yesterday, I'm obviously slow, it took ~12 to 13 hours. Everything was filthy.
I also cleaned the MAF; changed the fuel filter (I think it was the original still) and changed the oil.

I drove it for ~25 miles today and took some data, my fuel trims are extremely low now. FT1: -24; FT2: -29; (short term + long term) see the chart below.
Other than the fuel trims being so low, it drives really well and starts much better.

Codes thrown are: P0172 & P0175; system too rich, both banks


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Any advice on the fuel trims? It would seem that the injectors are too large, but everything I've read these should be 19# injectors. Is that incorrect?
The front O2 are switching normally, by the rear O2s don't seem to be switching at all.

I also have a P0306 code now; Cylinder 6 misfire. It's not noticeable when driving or idling. I've checked the wire, but still need to pull the plug and inspect.
