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Mercury Meta 1 Concept


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Mercury Meta One is an advanced research vehicle concept from Ford Motor Company displaying the evolution of automotive design, research and engineering with emerging safety features, personal electronics and the world's first PZEV-capable diesel hybrid.

"Meta One is a test-bed for advanced technologies allowing us to highlight future safety and powertrain technologies that exist only in theory and in laboratories today," says Gerhard Schmidt, vice president, Ford Research and Advanced Engineering.

The Meta One's three rows of seats feature memory foam covered with leather. The front seats vibrate based on signals from the Lane Departure Warning technology.


Mercury Meta One's name is derived from the Greek word "meta," meaning "transcends" or "goes beyond." In the case of the Mercury Meta One concept, the name connotes the concept's personality, which transcends the expected in a passenger vehicle.

Meta One's interior provides a "Zen-like" personal experience for its occupants with interior themes that can be customized to individual preferences.

Meta One stretches the distinct sophistication of Mercury's design DNA by investigating horizontal themes along with the interplay between differing surface treatments. It borrows its contemporary look from the Mariner SUV and Montego sedan.

Mercury will build a new production crossover vehicle in 2007. Meta One explores adaptation of the Mercury design DNA to a crossover and gives a hint of what such a product could represent for the brand.


With a focus on accident prevention, Ford Motor Company is developing safety technologies that warn the driver when a vehicle wanders from its travel lane and even applies the brakes if an accident is imminent. These technologies are featured on the Mercury Meta One, Ford's most advanced scientific research concept vehicle.

Much of the science of automobile safety has focused on passive systems, like air bags, safety belts and vehicle structure that protect occupants during a crash. Ford is researching and applying active safety measures in production vehicles and concepts designed to help prevent or lessen the severity of many accidents.


Ford's Lane Departure Warning is a mechanized vision system designed to recognize lane markings and a vehicle's lateral position relative to those markings. It can provide a visual, audible and/or haptic (vibrating) warning to the driver if the vehicle departs from a distinguishable lane without activation of the appropriate turn signal.

In the Meta One concept, a right lane departure triggers a vibration to the right side of the driver's seat; a left lane departure spurs vibration of the left side of the driver's seat.

In Lane Departure Warning, vehicle position is evaluated by a camera system mounted behind the windshield that measures the lateral distance from the camera's center line to the left and right lane markings. The system works during the day or at night while headlights are in use. Naturally, the system does not warn the driver if the turn signals are used before changing lanes. The system is still under development for conditions without clear lane markings and overall system reliability.


Crash Mitigation by Braking technology senses other vehicle's position, speed, and direction using a video camera and radar in order to determine application of automatic braking.

Ford's CMbB utilizes a camera and radar to sense vehicles on the road ahead and an on-board computer, which determines whether a collision is imminent based on the position, speed and direction of other vehicles. The CMbB system, based on its estimates of collision threat and driver intent, provides driver warning and enhanced brake control when needed.

If the driver fails to react to a situation the system determines will result in a collision, the system applies the brakes. If the driver reacts with full braking, CMbB provides enhanced system response that quickly initiates full anti-lock braking (ABS). Importantly, the system assumes the driver has ultimate authority; it will not interfere with any potential evasive maneuver the driver initiates. The system functions in high speed and low speed situations.

"A reduction of even a few mph in the speed of an impact can make a difference," says Priya Prasad, Ford Technical Fellow, Safety Research and Development. "The amount of energy at impact is a strong function of speed, so even a slight reduction in speed offers a significant reduction in force."


Meta One's Reconfigurable Display allows drivers to configure information to best suit their needs in terms of size and location.

The Mercury Meta One concept showcases an electronics system that integrates the latest level of in-vehicle technologies with a factory-installed interface.

Chief among these technologies is "Wi-Fi," the rapidly growing wireless technology used most often by laptop computers. Meta One has a factory-installed wireless "portal" that can be used to tap into a wealth of information and entertainment services.

In addition, Meta One has the ability to receive streaming video entertainment from the SIRIUS satellite network. Passengers in the Meta One can instantly access a range of live video, from cartoons to feature films, through the entertainment system.

The Mercury Meta One concept incorporates three technologies designed specifically to address the ever-increasing pace of change in our lives.

* SmartNav: Using next-generation technology to offer real-time traffic data and route guidance.
* KeyDA: Bbringing the almost unlimited personal data of a PDA – from seat position presets to emergency contact lists – in the form of the Meta One's ignition key.
* Reconfigurable Displays: Allowing the driver to size and place instruments to suit preferences and needs.


Meta One's engine, the world's first PZEV - capable diesel.

Designed to be the world's first Partial Zero Emission Vehicle (PZEV)-capable diesel hybrid powertrain, the Mercury Meta One concept not only provides an astounding 431 foot-pounds of torque but also is 97 percent cleaner than the Tier 1 emissions standard for NOx. Meta One shows that diesels potentially can meet the strictest emissions standards when combined with modern hybrid and after-treatment technologies.

"As the world's first PZEV-capable diesel, the Mercury Meta One concept shows that advanced technologies that we're developing promise the potential to deliver diesels that can be as clean as the cleanest gasoline engines," says Schmidt. "The torque of this engine, when combined with the modular hybrid-electric transmission, also provides excellent driving performance."

The Mercury Meta One concept draws its power from a twin-turbocharged V-6 diesel engine and an electric motor in the modular hybrid transmission that together produce as much torque as a large V-10 gasoline engine – with much lower fuel consumption. Combined with an advanced exhaust after-treatment system, the powertrain provides an unprecedented combination of power and purity.

The Mercury Meta One concept's engine is calibrated to run on a special renewable fuel that minimizes the vehicle's overall production of carbon dioxide or CO2, a "greenhouse gas" that is a primary contributor to global warming.

In partnership with BP, Ford is exploring the performance of this bio-mass-sourced diesel fuel. This fuel can be blended with conventional diesel fuel to provide a corresponding reduction in lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions. Since the fuel comes from biological feedstocks that absorb CO2 during their growth, the fuel is said to close the "carbon loop" because the vehicle's carbon emissions are offset by the carbon-negative fuel production.


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Very cool. This should lead to even more innovations in the near future.

Very nice. Hope the LED lights make it into more cars!

yes i like the front end design.

not to fond of the station-wagon look, but its definitely a step forward in designing.

I like the looks of that very much, clean lines along w/ a sporty stance!!! Possibly a wave for the explorer to follow?? in the future?

Sweet! If the engine works like they hope it does even sweeter! :thumbsup:

it looks like the new ford 'edge' crossover vehicle that is coming out soon. Hence the the drop of the name ranger edge that changed back to ranger 'sport'. So that they could call this new crossover the Edge.

FWD ruins it for me.
